The VFMS Spark | Page 62

Invitation to India

By Vivaan M.

India. Housing over one billion people, it has had a long history. Between the streets crowded with people of different cultures and thoughts and homes, lies an overall appreciation for the country. From beautiful temples and buildings that tower above all and shine brilliantly in the sun’s rays, to the world's oldest religion that has spanned over thousands of year. India, Asia’s jewel.

The culture of India has been embedded into many regions around the world, a large influence pertaining to food. As a country that predates known history, it has had many years to master arts in cooking and creating a variety of culinary cuisine. Curry, a well-known dish throughout the world, is only one of a plethora of possibilities. Have you heard of saag paneer? It is grilled cottage cheese covered with a layer of spinach paste, and served with roti, an Indian flatbread used to pick up food; it’s simply divine.

India is also well known for its extensive wildlife. In America, when walking down the street, it’s common to see a bird or a squirrel. Guess what you’ll see in India? Probably a monkey or two. India has a large variety of animals, both wild and domesticated, including: monkeys, tigers, elephants, and so much more! It’s simply incomprehensible unless you experience it yourself. Take ride down the street in a rickshaw, and you’ll seem forest brimming with wildlife!

India's treasures go beyond food and wildlife. Some of the best architects in the world originated from India, from Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, designer of the Taj Mahal to designers of the Bahai Temple, Louis Bouregeois and Georg Fuller. The Taj Mahal is a very well-known tomb that is often associated with the word India. Though impressive that it was built, the story behind it is more incredible. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife Arjumand Banu Begum. At a young age Shah Jahan saw Arjumand in the streets of Agra, and fell in love with her. He was to marry a Persian Princess, Quandary Begum, for political reasons but instead the two lovers dressed Arjumand as the princess and they betrothed May 10th, 1612.

India has a rich culture. From its age old history, to its modern day citizens, it is truly one of the wonders of the world. From the streets of Agra to the peaks of the Himalayas it is a nation that is exquisite and unique. Though there is not one way to describe it, India is beautiful. India is a jewel. India.