The VFMS Spark | Page 19

In addition to the major problem of whether or not our smart cars are safe, it’s also important to note that many, many Americans make a living by truck or taxi driving; a recent study by NPR shows that truck-driving is the most dominant full-time job in 29 states. If self-driving cars take over these increasingly important markets, a million people or so could lose their jobs, all due to the potential convenience that a self-driving car could offer. You don’t have to pay a self-driving car: you just buy it, and although it may be more expensive than a regular car, the costs saved could potentially add up. Despite the fact that this threat will not be upon us until about ten years from now, due to the likely sky-high prices a smart car will have when it releases, it’s an important threat to consider. Eventually the age of self-driving cars will be upon us, cars which won’t need to sleep during the middle of a long drive or get in accidents. However, when that age comes, it's important to consider the human lives that require a steady paycheck to survive.

Overall, though smart cars do have their advantages in a modern human society, they ultimately are not the best choice for many due to several important thoughts. Computers, no matter how powerful they are, can still be hacked by a skilled person, and a hacked car could cause disaster on major roadways. It's also important to note the human side behind the technology; many states have truck driving as an incredibly popular full-time job, and if people were to be replaced with these cars, the loss of jobs could be catastrophic. Of course, smart cars will arrive whether these fears are existent or not, so it's important that when this day comes, humans weigh both the benefits and risks of this bold new technology.


Woodruff, M. (2015, February 6). Truck driving may be America's most popular job. Retrieved November 12, 2015,

from Yahoo Finance website: