The VFMS Spark | Page 95

It was a cold, brutal, Monday morning, and all I wanted to do

was park my butt in a seat for fifteen minutes before I had to suffer the excruciating pain that was first period gym class.

What I was actually doing, was standing outside the door for my homeroom waiting for our homeroom sub to figure out how to open the locked door. When she finally opened it, homeroom had about five minutes left so she told us to wait while she took attendance.

We ended up missing the daily broadcast of morning

announcements that morning, which, to be honest, I didn't really care too much about at the time. I was preoccupied thinking about how on Earth I was going to pull off writing three essays in one week and what the load of math homework would be if we had a test that day….But, oh, did this come back to haunt me.

My friend and I met up to go to gym as we almost always did

and started walking down the hallway. No one seemed to be around, but the sub had let us out late so we thought nothing of it. We burst through the gymnasium doors.

"Sorry, there was a sub and-" I stopped and stared in disbelief. No one was in the room. Had we gone to the wrong gym?

"What's going on?" My friend wondered aloud.

We sprinted to the other gym only to find ourselves in the same predicament. By this time it was twenty minutes into first period. My friend started to panic.

"Where is everyone?" She asked, searching around frantically.

"We should check upstairs for a teacher or something." I


We rushed upstairs only to find that no one was there. Now, I

was starting to get a little concerned. It was if the school had been abandoned. Just my luck to miss the one lockdown drill all year, I thought.

Suddenly, I spotted the assistant principal. My friend and I

ran over to her, our hearts pounding. We quickly asked her what was going on and where everyone was, only to be informed that everyone was in their testing location taking a drug survey.

"You would be in that room right there." She said, pointing to

us in the direction of our testing location.

My mom had filled out a form yesterday, and had told me,

“Amanda, I don't want you taking that test, do you hear me?”