The VFMS Spark | Page 89

In an Imperfect World

"What are you doing?" I hissed. "We have to move now!"

Simon wouldn't stop crying, tears streaming down his face. His face was now blotchy and red from the tears and he was shaking visibly from head to toe. He kept sobbing, eventually sitting by a rock and hugging his knees. I sat down beside him.

"The rents didn't come up with you, huh?"

He shook his head and continued to sob. "I was so sure they would come...but now-" He continued crying. "WHAT AM I DOING?" He sobbed, loudly, emotionally breaking down before my eyes. "I trusted a girl, who I just met, and abandoned the only family I've ever known! Did I stop for a second and just think about what I was doing- no. I am such an idiot." He sobbed loudly, falling on his side into the grass.

"Please stop crying Simon."

"BUT IT'S ALL OVER!" He turned to me. "I was going to have a career, you know..."

"Shut up Simon," I said, hearing a faint noise in the far distance. A sound of teeth,

grabbing flesh...and, was that a scream? Shoot.

I stood up and looked around.

"-a teacher." Simon continued. "I was going to mold young minds-"

I smacked him.

"OW!" He yelped. "Pull yourself together. We have to keep moving, it's nighttime. Do

you know what that means, crybaby? It means that there are Demonites out right now. And do you know what Demonites do to people like us? Huh? They drag us off and tear off our limbs and have us die a slow, painful and, quite frankly, a very gruesome death. I have lived for, going on, 16 years, and I will not, do you hear me? I will not let some teary-eyed baby ruin that for me. So, either suck it up and let's go, or I'll leave you here in your misery and continue on myself. You got that Simon?" I hissed. "If we don't get back to the base camp, we are dead. Do you get that? Dead."

He sat there for a few seconds before nodding and getting to his feet.

That sound I had heard before came again. Only closer. And deadlier.

"Run." I said, starting into a full-blown sprint. "Run and don't look back."

We sprinted on one of the familiar trails. The grassy plains were not going help us if this thing caught up. My guess, a Demonite had alerted its pack and they were on our tail. Hopefully though, we would never find out. The faint smell of rotting corpses flooded my senses.

Simon's nose wrinkled in disgust. "Ew!" He complained, as we continued running. "What's that?"

"That, is a pack of Demonites," I said, pulling a small hand-gun from my backpack's

pouch and loading it.

"You mean Demi-demons," He corrected.