The VFMS Spark | Page 66

The Journal Entries of a Young Girl of the Future

By Katherine L.


Mommy and Pappy went shopping today and came home with a real robot. It even looks like a human. I named him Robo. Mommy didn’t make dinner today. Robo did it. He made pizza, but it tasted yucky because he made it healthy. I wish Mommy would make dinner. Her pizza tastes good. But when I complained, she told me that I was being "unreasonable" and that healthy food would now be a part of our lives. I wonder what unreasonable means.


At school today, all my friends showed up with the new Galaxy sneakers. I’m so jealous. They’re so amazing, so I’m gonna have to bug Pappy to get me them.


Yes! Pappy got me the Galaxy sneakers. I’m so happy! We had our big Technology Test today. I hate Technology class. It’s plain boring. Who cares about history? We have ALL the new technology stuff at home, and I already know how every single one of them work. Not to brag, of course. My friend Porpentina told me that ... Wait, Mommy’s calling me. Okay, she just wanted to show me this big clock she bought from Amazon100. It can do so many cool stuff! Can’t wait to tell my friends.


I am so upset. Porpentina and I fought and I stomped my foot and she called me an "idiotic five year old", and she’s six! So I was telling her about my clock and she goes, "Naomi, you are just so delightful. However, that was meant sarcastically, so I am not complimenting you." And I didn’t even know what she was saying.