The VFMS Spark Winter Edition 2014-2015 | Page 65

The Tempest

By Angelina Z.

Staring out

Across the roaring sea of hills

The tufts of grass –

The sea foam,

Cresting upon the hills.

I glare in desperation –

The little house sneers

Impossible to reach,

As I stand

In the midst of the storm.

The tempest rages

But not here

Not yet

For it is above the clouds,

Over the hills,

Beyond the heaps of rock topped

with snow.

For it is about to crash

The tipping point

My brow furrows, expression darkens,

Like the illuminous clouds

Spiraling above me

In their surging tango.

One foot before me,

My deep, blood-colored cloak

Billows about my legs

I slip off my hat

‘Fore the winds dare snatch it skyward.

My grip falls slack

About the tome

Flaxen locks from my face are torn.

Bracelet skidding down my wrist

...I cannot decide where to go.

The house

It jeers

A fake salvation.

Averting my eyes,

I gather my skirts.

The collar cuts into my neck

As I fall.

I slide downwards,

Mud soiling my dress

Beneath the grassless hill.

The moss looks damp

Beneath my feet

As I walk,

Then crawl

Into the small crevice.

And watch

As leaves, then branches


Towards the house,

While I am safe.

Within the rabbit hole,

I dream

Of Wonderlands

While outside,

The cyclone roars.