The Vegabond 9.12.2015 | Page 9


...a slippery slope!

Yeeaaah. Traveling by car is fun. But it's also like a bag of nachos or oreo cookies. Once popped, never stopped. Be careful with what you are really taking with you and try to sleep in it fully loaded before you take off! Try to minimize as much as you can, begin with your clothing.. Yes, you do still have that space, but it is nice to also be able to use it :) And find things! A good advice someone we couchsurfed with gave us was the following: "I never take more than 2 of one kind." Thanks Mike from PEI.

What we had, wished we have had, and wished we haven't had!

As with everything in life, we always want more, right. Greed is present and oftentimes kicks you in the butt, yet, a lot of us are born priviledged having more than enough and practicing modesty becomes a tough one. Minimalism is a modern trend now, going from messy to organized, Ondrej and I sure do not count to the minimalistic group ;). Yet.

We thought, as long as we got the space, might as well use it!

Our trunk was absolutely filled, a cargo on top of King Subaru Leonidas was filled, and we didnt' even have our backseats free! That could have surely been done better. Before sleeping in the car, we had to move things around for 10min at least, and finding something oftentimes took forever and can easily get frustrating. Save yourself the work and the potential for arguments. Pack light. We will get to the food part in just a second, as this is of course an important one when you pretty much travel in your house, or, live in/out of your car. But let's go through a few comfort and car safety items. We were oftentimes longing for a pillow. We had 3 blankets, 1 or 2 good ones would have been enough. Sleeping Bags were a lifesaver. So were wet towelets and of course tissues. Headlights, and the tent are irreplaceable. We wished we had prepared some kind of curtains for the window and bought one of those sunscreens for the windshield. The audio converter for music was great. Another adapter to charge more devices while driving would have been handy.

For the car. Always, at any given time, carry enough motor oil on you. You definitely need a tire pressure gauge! Make sure you are familiar with your equipment to change tires and if possible, have it at easy access.

next issue will be all about fashion! Not!

Messy Kris + Messy Car.

The Art of (Un)Packing