The Valley Catholic September 19, 2017 | Page 4

Session 400 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM , FRIDAY
3-07 So You Want To Be An Evangelist ?
– Cord Dorcey
Jesus invites all his disciples to share the good news : “ Follow me and I will make you fishers of men ” Mt 4:19 . If the witness of 12 ordinary men could change the course of history imagine how you and your parish community could change your City ! Imagine how Catholics could change the world ! This is a practical workshop designed to equip Catholics to share the good news of Jesus Christ wherever you go . ( Witness )
3-08 Welcome to Galilee – Deacon Dick Folger
Jesus was a storyteller . Wouldn ’ t it be great to have a new lens to focus on Jesus ? Jesus asks that crucial question again : “ Who do YOU say that I am ?” Great artists have given us our rich legacy of images of Jesus and each has imagined what he looked like . The artists filled in the details .” ( Witness )
3-09 Build a Bridge Between Research and Best Practice that Supports a Strong Foundation of Faith Development for Children Preschool through Third Grade – Pam Perrino
Join us for a lively conversation on the importance of developmentally appropriate practices in early education faith development of children preschool through third grade . Explore and reflect on the latest brain development information and the implications for crucial windows of opportunity of learning that build a strong foundation of faith for the youngest of the disciples , from preschool through kindergarten . Engage with colleagues to identify and develop strategies that will support you as you engage young children in positive explorations of God ’ s Love . ( Witness )
3-10 Ethical Trade and Right Relationships : Justice For Workers and Consumers
– Bill Perry and Anne Maloney
Ethical Trade is an expanded version of Fair Trade , both of which create more just economic relationships . Workshop participants will learn about the key principles behind Ethical Trade , explore how Ethical Trade aligns with Catholic Social Teaching , and obtain practical resources on how to be a more conscious consumer . ( Witness )
3-11 The Holy Spirit Driven Purposeful Life
– Father Raymond Reyes
The Holy Spirit calls each of us to live in love and relationship . How does this call us to live our discipleship ? Life can only be purposeful if we listen well and learn to move with the Holy Spirit in all aspects of our life . This discipleship calls out for a purposeful life in a lonely society needing change . ( Word )
3-12 Prayer in the Classroom : Leading and
Animating – Michael Ruzicki
Participants in this workshop will learn the key elements to gathered classroom prayer . In order to foster fully active participation , teachers and catechists will learn techniques that will inspire and empower children of all ages to assist in the preparation and leading of daily / weekly prayer services . Inspired by the liturgical season with the use of art , environment and music , your classroom will be transformed into a prayer space where the hearts of your students meet the heart of God . An emphasis is placed on collaborating with others in your school and parish community . ( Worship )
3-13 Changing Lives , One Song at a Time
– Anna Scally
To effectively reach a culture , we must realize that the Church needs to focus on evangelization “ not because we need more numbers ,” but to let young people know they are appreciated and that their “ gifts are important to building the Kingdom of God .” This may be easier to achieve when we realize that a significant key may lie in their music . Walk away with practical and achievable ways to make the Gospel relevant . Arrive ready to learn , laugh , and be inspired by the soundtrack of their heart . ( Witness )
3-14 Media Mindfulness : Faith Formation in a Digital Age – Sister Nancy Usselmann , FSP
While reviewing the Church ’ s understanding of media , especially in catechesis , the participants learn media mindfulness skills for their own media consumption and for their use in catechesis . This brings media literacy and the critical inquiry methodology into the faith context . ( Witness )
3-15 The Art of Sacred Symbols
– Dr . Johan van Parys
To understand Catholic worship and Catholic thinking one has to understand our Catholic symbols because Catholic symbols are integral to the life of the Church and to our individual lives as Christians . This workshop will explore the meaning of many of the symbols used by the Church . We will also discuss ways in which we can use these symbols to catechize children and adults . ( Worship )
3-16 Special Learning Needs : Basic Accommodations in a Catholic School Setting
– Dr . Joseph White
This session , led by a clinical child psychologist with experience working with Catholic schools , will discuss why and how we can accommodate students with dyslexia , dysgraphia , dyscalculia and
ADHD in order to make our schools more inclusive and accessible . ( Witness )

Session 400 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM , FRIDAY

4-01 Developing Diocesan Leaders
– Michael Brough and Jim Lundholm-Eades ( Invitation Only )
Best practices for having right people in the right place
4-02 Best Practices in Catholic School Governance for Pastors and Principals
– Maria Ribera ( Invitation Only )
Why Catholic school governance matters and how to do it well . What can pastors and principals do to make governance work ?
4-03 The Role of Doctrine in the
Catechumenate – Mary Birmingham
Many of us ask how much doctrine is enough doctrine when it comes to preparing catechumens for full initiation in the Catholic Church . This session will explore what the Church means when the RCIA insists that catechists are to present “ dogma in its entirety ” ( RCIA , p . 75 ). Our Catholic Tradition is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to our candidates for initiation and handing it down to them with a focus on conversion is not only an art , but a skill that must be honed and nurtured . We will explore what that means ; we will also consider the content of doctrinal catechesis in the RCIA , and how and when to present it . ( Worship )
4-04 How to Educate Students about Ending Human Trafficking – CNEHT Education Team
A hands-on workshop with opportunities to explore various curricula , multi-media resources with input and resources from educators , high school students and other educational program experts from the Bay Area . ( Witness )
4-05 Don ’ t Let Your Parents Drop Off and Run : How to Engage Parents while Their Kids Are in Class – Paul Canavese
While the church teaches that parents are the primary educators of their own children , parents often don ’ t know where to start and need our help to learn how to do so . Parents face unique challenges raising their kids in the faith today , but rarely have the opportunity to explore them in a faith context . In The Joy of Love , Pope Francis has given us direction on how to engage parents and some of the key issues to explore with them . Find out how to lead parents in animated discussions and what we have learned leading parent groups while kids are in class . ( Witness )
4 For more information on the speakers and workshops , visit www . scffc . org