The Valley Catholic February 19, 2019 | Page 10

10 February 19, 2019 | The Valley Catholic NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL Reflexiones de Jornada Mundial de la Juventud Es con gran alegría que los jóvenes de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nos representaron en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud este pasado enero 2019 en Panamá y ahora nos presentan sus experiencias. Fueron días de gran gozo al par- ticipar junto con jóvenes de todo el mundo en su búsqueda de ser mejores DISCIPULOS misioneros de Jesucristo. A continuación podemos leer sus reflexiones y gozar con sus fotos esos momentos Inolvidables de Dios. ¿Cuales fueron sus sentimientos al ver al Papa Francisco? Brenda Angel - Es un poco compli- cado explicar lo que sentí al ver al Papa Francisco porque me parece que no podría encontrar las palabras exactas para describirlo. Creo que mi sentir fué un poco distinto al de algunos com- pañeros, ya que a mí no me provocó sentimiento de llanto, y no porque no me diera alegría, sino porque no termi- naba de asimilar que el momento de ese encuentro había llegado. Pero si puedo decir que me provocó mucha emoción en mi corazón, y gozo al ver esa alegría en sus ojos y en su sonrisa. Su semblante What were your feelings when you seen the pope? Naomi Martinez - I had the privilege to be a pilgrim at this years World Youth Day in Panamá. The area in which our group was waiting to see Pope Francis pass by had a television nearby and it allowed us to witness the moment he arrived. Just by seeing him on the screen and knowing that he was in the same city I was in was even more than I could have ever imagined to be pos- sible. I had an urge to cry but I held it in. Once Pope Francis was getting close to us, even before he was in front of us, my body started to shake and I couldn’t hold back my tears. It was such an indescrib- able feeling because as he passed by I could feel Jesus Christ’s presence. Pope Francis is the next closest person there is to Jesus Christ himself and knowing that made this whole experience even more meaningful. I cried for a good 10 minutes and every time during the day when I would think about what I had just experienced, made me cry again. Jennifer Sepulveda - When I knew that the time to see Pope Francis was ap- proaching , I felt nervous and impatient. I felt so many emotions that I could not say in specific what I felt. When I saw era tan radiante que reflejaba esperanza y amor. Fué como si en ese momento estuviese pasando frente a mis ojos una escena de una película y me hubiese quedado en ese lapso del tiempo. Yesenia Sepulveda - En el momento en que me dijeron que el Papa Francisco iba pasar me llene de gozo y alegría. Mi deseo desde el principio de nuestro peregrinaje fue poder mirar al Papa Francisco de cerca y por fin se me estaba concediendo. En cuanto empezaron a pasar los automóviles de seguridad y los policías mi cuerpo empezó a temblar porque yo sabía que el Papa ya estaba muy cerca. Después de que pasaron los policías miramos que las personas empezaron a gritar Papa! Papa! y en ese momento saque mi teléfono para empezar a grabar. A los pocos segundos el Papa Francisco pasó por enfrente de mi y no pude contener mis sentimien- tos. Empecé a llorar de alegría porque en la presencia del Papa se podía sentir la presencia de Dios también. Fue una experiencia simplemente maravillosa. ¿Cómo se sintieron al convivir y dialogar con jóvenes de todo el mundo? Brenda Angel - El hecho de convivir con jóvenes de diferentes partes del mundo me hizo sentir mucha alegría. Reflections from World Youth Day in Panamá Sandra Torres, Associate Director for the Hispanic Apostolate, with Jovenes en Acción from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Nata, Panamá for World Youth Day 2019. the Pope mobile coming and I saw him smiling and waving to the crowds, I was not able to hold back my tears ; I cried really hard. His smile has left an impact on my life, when I think about his smile I feel nothing but happiness. Even to this day just thinking back to it, I find myself feeling the same happy emotions that I felt when I got to see Pope Francis. Abraham Lopez - It was a surreal feeling knowing he was on his way to the spot we were at. When the crowd began to cheer my heart began to race and filled with joy. As he passed he transmitted such a peace. I thank God for the opportunity to see him up close. I will never forget that moment. How did you feel being with other youth from around the world? Naomi Martinez - Meeting individu- als who are like me from all around the world was incredible. Knowing that all of them were there with the same pur- pose I was, made the experience even more memorable. My purpose was and is to be like Mary and tell God “I am the servant of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.” Listening to their stories, what they went through to make it to Panamá, and the long hours or days it took them just to see the Pope. This made me realize that everyone’s efforts brought us to our goal, which was to not only be with the Pope, but to Me hizo reflexionar en el propósito por el cuál todos estabamos reunidos en ese mismo momento y lugar. Me hizo sentir que formabamos un solo cuerpo así como Cristo siempre lo ha querido, sin divisiones fronterizas ni diferencias de raza, color o lenguaje. Me hizo sentir valor y ánimo, al mirar y pensar en que en muchas partes de este mundo hay tantos jóvenes luchando por buscar estar cerca de Cristo cada vez más, por ayudar a otros jóvenes que se encuen- tran en situaciones difíciles, por tener una vida mejor espiritualmente y a su vez dar ejemplo con ello. Personalmente me gusta mucho convivir con jóvenes y con mayor razón si hablamos el mismo idioma, con esto me refiero no al idioma que cada lugar tiene, sino al idioma de Dios, el tener fija nuestra mirada en un mismo objetivo. Yesenia Sepulveda - Yo me sentía feliz al convivir con jóvenes de dife- rentes lugares del mundo porque me daba gusto mirar que todos estábamos unidos como hermanos por un solo Dios y una sola fe. Era muy interesante aprender sobre las diferentes culturas y tradiciones de jóvenes de diferentes partes del mundo. feel God and to let Him into our hearts. It’s amazing having the opportunity to coexist with young people from all over the world and be able to trade items from our countries with each other. Meeting them itself was a great experi- ence, but to become friends with them was better because we can hopefully meet up at the next World Youth Day. This experience will forever be in my heart and I hope that everyone that gets the opportunity to see the Pope takes it. Jennifer Sepulveda - I felt a familiar feeling when we were with the other youth. I felt like I was at school and we all knew each other by face but not by story. When talking to other youth and learning what they like and how their schooling was I learned that we were all going through similar paths, it was fun getting to know how the youth around the world live. Abraham Lopez - It just makes you realize how big our family is here on earth. I was awestruck when I saw the amount of youth dancing, singing, and playing music in their language all giv- ing thanks to God. Regardless of each ones culture everyone came together as one to give thanks to our Lord. That was amazing!