The Valley Catholic April 16, 2019 | Page 7 | April 16, 2019 COMMUNITY 7 Catholic Cemeteries: Parishes Offer Consolation Groups for Those Who Grieve A Loss By Kathy Fanger “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” -From an Irish headstone When someone we love has died, we begin a journey that is often fright- ening, painful and sometimes lonely. No words, written or spoken, can take away the pain we feel. Emotions may change hour-by-hour, day-by-day and often on special occasions. Sometimes, we even find ourselves questioning your faith. To begin to heal, it is helpful to learn about and understand the grief process and how it may affect us today, tomorrow and forever. Every person grieves differently and there is no time line for grief. Whether you are in your first year or 10 th year since your loved one’s death, you will never ‘get over’ your grief, but instead, learn to live with it. If you allow your- self the time and compassion to mourn, and truly work through your grief, you will heal. You will go on to find contin- ued meaning in living and loving, and being grateful to God for the one you loved who changed your life forever. Members of the community should console the mourners with words of faith and support and with acts of kindness… (OCF, #10) Many parishes in our Diocese offer Grief/Consolation Support Groups led by trained parish staff and volunteers. Their role is to be a compassionate listen- er to the grievers, assuring them, “You are not alone. We are here to accompany you in your journey.” They offer a sacred space for grievers to share their feelings and stories. Grievers may speak or sim- ply be quiet and listen. Yet it is often in speaking about a loved one and the per- sonal realities of grief that the healing process begins. Strength and hope are found through prayer, scripture, practi- cal coping strategies and the bonds that form among group members. Groups are safe, supportive and confidential. All are reminded that God loves them and journeys with them, promising that they will see their loved ones again in the kingdom of heaven. Catholic Cemeteries’ mission em- braces the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy: to comfort the sor- rowful, visit the sick and dying, and Parishes offering ongoing Grief/Consolation meetings: SOLACE-Soul + Grief – O’Connor Hospital Chapel-Main Entrance (650) 428-3730 Candee Lucas, M.A. Queen of Apostles Saint Athanasius Saint Christopher Saint Joseph of Cupertino Saint Joseph of Mountain View Saint Thomas Aquinas Saint John the Baptist Saint Victor (408) 242-3543 (408) 241-1201 (408) 948-1819 (408) 269-2226 (408) 252-7653 (650) 967-3831 (650) 494-6488 (408) 252-2526 (408) 928-1632 Parishes offering 5-6 week Grief Support sessions several times/year: Sacred Heart, Saratoga (408) 867-3634 Nancy Crowley Church of the Transfiguration (408) 978-6117 Kathy Myers Holy Family (408) 978-6117 Kathy Myers Santa Teresa (408) 978-6117 Kathy Myers bury the dead. We offer an extensive 12 hour training series for parish staff and volunteers 2-3 times each year on 6 consecutive evenings. Our offerings include Retreat Days for Grievers, Hav- ing Faith During Difficult Times, Con- solation of Grief during the Holidays, Christmastime Afternoon of Remem- Thoughts on Climate Change And Earth Day By Walt Lundin, member, Stewards of Our Common Home Diocese of San Jose We are in peril. As Earth’s citizens, as stewards of our common home now under great stress, we must speak until we are heard. Make the 2020 election an election of change. We must have lead- ers and legislators who will support the strongest and most comprehensive defensive measures against climate change. To continue to reverse earlier controls could be fatal to the world we know. The cure is in the ballot box. April 22, 1972 was the first Earth Day. In July President Nixon signed bills establishing the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Acts. In 2015 we received Laudato Si’. The latest report on climate change is ominous. We are failing to limit emissions of CO 2 and methane. Unless we have vigorous and comprehensive measures we face conditions almost unbearable. We once praised and thanked God for “the earth and its full- ness”; now we’re fearful for the earth and its foulness. What can we do? Suggestions: 1. Drive less. Bike, carpool, walk. Start with 10 miles a week? 2. Clean cars, if feasible. Ditto for solar. 3. More meatless meals; more plant- rich diet. Are you connected with the Diocese of San Jose? Kathy Fanger Shirley Ruzzo – one on one Deolinda Avila Loretta Pfaff Larry Compagnoni Natalie Canata Lorraine Dabney Cory Mollat Sister Sara Michael King 4. Lower thermostats, do a cold wash and air dry when possible. 5. Energy-efficient bulbs. 6. Plastics: Boo! 7. If you have access to dirt, grow something. 8. Keep on top of what’s happening by visiting and signing up at: Good news and bad are before us. The worst news: The window of op- portunity is shrinking. Maybe about 12 years left before it’s so broke we can’t fix it. Then what? Uninhabitable temperatures, millions of climate refu- gees, huge loss of farmland; resultant hunger, wars over water and other ne- cessities, millions of premature deaths. We will need faith, prayer, knowl- brance, All Souls and Monthly Me- morial Masses. For more information contact Kathy Fanger at (650) 428-3730 x508 or [email protected]. edge, determination, endurance, ex- pertise and what else (?) to save this little blue globe. Invitations to join: 1. Regenerative Agriculture: To en- rich soil, increase crop yield, increase bioidiversity, resist climate change and treat Mother Earth gently. Contact Alrie Middlebrook at [email protected]. 2. Stewards of Our Common Home (Stewards of OCH) whose Mission is: In response to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, we educate and motivate the Catholics of our diocese, and all our neighbors, of our moral responsibility to take im- mediate action to address the “social and environmental crisis” of climate change. Contact Marita Grudzen: [email protected]. CAREGIVER-ELDERCARE IN-HOME CARE AGENCY Visit us online Like us on Facebook Diocese of San Jose Follow us on Twitter @DioceseSanJose Follow us on Instagram @DioceseSanJose Information about parishes, schools, programs, events, jobs, ministries and more! We are offering COMPETITVE Rates & Flexible Schedules 408-677-3682 | 408-613-7189