The True Mehdi Issue 03 - March | Page 2

ISSUE 03 W H Y S H O U L D T H I S C O N C E R N YO U ? CONTENTS Who is Imam Mehdi? 06 10 SPOTLIGHT 04 Contemporary Sufis Exposed 07 What is Sufism? 10 Sufism: A Brief History 13 Are There Such Things as Sufi Terrorists? 14 How To Recognise a True Sufi 15 Sufism: The Knowledge of the Heart 18 HDE Gohar Shahi’s Foolproof Formula for Recognising True Sufis 13 The concept of Imam Mehdi in Islam differs among its denominations. Every sect has its own notion of who Imam Mehdi is and what his purpose is in the world. What every sect does agree upon is that Imam Mehdi will appear in the end times and establish justice in the world. Similarly, every religion has its own concept of an Awaited Saviour who will provide salvation to mankind in the end times. He is known as the Promised Messiah in Judaism and the Foretold Kalki Avatar in Hinduism. This begs the question: if all religions awaited different saviours of equal power, would there not be a divine tug of war between them? It simply means that humanity awaits a single personality, who is known by different titles in different religions. Due to the misguided concepts of Imam Mehdi presented especially by the Shi’ite and Wahhabi sects, the West has been given a corrupted concept of Imam Mehdi that has no basis in reality. They have been led to believe that Imam Mehdi will be a figure catering to the Muslims of Iran or Saudi Arabia, who will be hostile towards the West. They have come to see Imam Mehdi as a threat to their very existence. This misperception has also been made popular by authors such as Joel Rosenberg, whose book, The First Hostage, paints Imam Mehdi in a diabolical light. The purpose of this magazine is to disprove the false image of Imam Mehdi portrayed to the world and present the original concept with references from holy scriptures. We authoritatively proclaim that Imam Mehdi is not a warrior. His message of divine love and peace is universally acceptable. He is not an enemy of Israel, the Jewish community, the USA, Christians or any other religious or national group. He is the one awaited by all mankind and he shall establish the Kingdom of God on Earth alongside Jesus Christ. I S S U E 03 / M O N T HLY / M A RC H 2 01 7 This magazine is published by Messiah Foundation International, a non-profit organisation that aims to promote interfaith unity. It is supported by voluntary donations and is not for sale. The purpose of The True Mehdi publication is to clear misconceptions about the Awaited Imam Mehdi, deliver Imam Mehdi’s unifying message of divine love to humanity and promote his revolutionary teachings. The True Mehdi is printed monthly by Messiah Foundation International in London, United Kingdom.