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[ F I X E D I N C O M E L E A D E R S S U M M I T 2 0 1 8 ] BREXIT WILL DRIVE REGULATORY CHANGES WITHIN MIFID II REVIEW, SAYS MEP SWINBURNE POLITICAL FACTORS TAKING CENTRE STAGE FOR FUTURE REGULATORY REVIEWS OR INTRODUCTION OF MIFID III, ACCORDING TO MEP. B rexit and other European po- litical factors will be the main driver of any European regulatory change in the near future, includ- ing any changes to MiFID II or the introduction of MiFID III, accord- ing to MEP Kay Swinburne. Within her keynote address MiFID II author Swinburne high- lighted the UK’s upcoming depar- ture from the European Union in March next year as a key influenc- ing factor on how future regulatory change may play out. While Swinburne maintained that the introduction of MiFID III is a “reality”, it is more likely to be formed through a series of reviews to the existing MiFID II standards and other technical amendments, primarily driven by political moti- vations. “Even though I am a politician, I take no pleasure in bringing poli- tics into financial legislation and I firmly believe that any review of a highly technical dossier, anything like MiFID II, should be kept at a distance from serious political influence,” said Swinburne. “But I’m afraid it is a reflection of the reality that I have observed in Brussels over the last few months that it would be foolish to consider future regulatory change without considering the political drivers that are there right now.” Citing Brexit as the “single biggest driver right now for MiFID 30 // TheTrade // Winter 2018 III-type changes”, Swinburne added that the UK was “fairly guilty about not looking beyond other political developments” but underlined the importance of other fundamental changes occurring across Europe that will also play a significant role in how regulation is reviewed. “We need to consider the upcom- ing changes that will take place in the EU and the EU’s own insti- tutions,” Swinburne said, point- ing to the upcoming European Parliament elections in May 2019, which in turn will place a greater emphasis on fringe political parties that traditionally “vote against leg- islation, regardless of its content.” Addressing the possible timeline for when the industry could expect to see a review of MiFID II, Swin- burne said she would “write off the first six months after the Europe- an Parliament mandate”, instead highlighting a number of changes currently underway in Europe that will impact on regulatory changes, such as the SME performance re- view and post-trade transparency rules for the fixed income space. “My concern now is that MiFID III will be shaped not by data resources, but by purely political objectives, and above all, it is going to be shaped very differently by the relationship going forwards be- tween the UK and the EU, and that will override all the fundamentals of market analysis,” she said. “So, MiFID III, as it is known in that nomenclature, may be a long time coming. But changes are happening now.” “My concern now is that MiFID III will be shaped not by data resources, but by purely political objectives.” KAY SWINBURNE