The TRADE 2018 Algo Survey - Long Only | Page 17

[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ] JP Morgan J are evaluating other providers for future use, with ar- P Morgan drew a lower proportion of responses in eas of functionality that respondents cited as wanted this year’s algo survey - compared with 2017 - from included the ability to control routing destinations long-only respondents, generating 3.79% of the total from the desktop, the use of more dark pools and responses, enough to put the firm squarely in the mid- different types of liquidity seeking. Bloomberg is the dle of its peers. Responses came primarily from mid- EMS of choice for JP Morgan’s clients according to to-large-sized firms with at least $10 billion in AuM, this year’s survey, with over one-third of long-only with an even distribution of activity in non-equities firms utilising EMSX. asset classes including fixed income, foreign exchange JP Morgan’s scores decreased across all 14 categories and electronically-traded funds. Long-only firms that in this year’s survey. While there were only marginal have adopted JP Morgan algos lean heavily towards drops in ratings for cost, price improvement, execu- using Bloomberg as an EMS provider, with ITG and tion consulting and smart order routing capabilities, Charles River also mentioned. there was a significant drop for JP Morgan’s customer Around 60% of long-only respondents said their J.P. Morgan support, which fell from 6.28 to 5.38 year-on-year. De- usage of JP Morgan algos had increased year-on-year, Improve Reduce Ex ecution spite these decreases, JP Morgan still scored higher in while the rest saw usage stay consistent. Only three Year algos from other Cost Speed trader almost all categories than firms said they used other providers market impact consistency the overall survey averages, particularly for speed, anonymity and crossing. than JP Morgan, however, just under productivity half said they 2018 5.75 JP MORGAN RATINGS FOR ALGORITHM 2017 PERFORMANCE 6.06 5.52 6.08 5.78 5.98 5.58 5.59 Improve trader productivity 5.65 2018 5.75 6.06 5.52 Reduce market impact 6.08 5.78 Execution consistency 2017 5.99 5.98 5.58 5.59 Cost 5.65 Speed 5.99 5.99 6.09 Anonymity 5.39 5.45 Price improvement 5.08 Customisation 5.52 5.81 Ease of use 5.15 Crossing 5.70 5.38 Customer support 6.16 6.28 5.32 5.49 Execution consulting 5.28 Dark pool access 5.81 5.63 5.82 Smart order routing capabilities 0.00 1.0 0 2.00 3.00 4.0 0 5.00 6.0 0 7.00 Issue 55 // // 89