.. The times Magazine | Page 57


If you want to be effective in your life self-evaluate the actions you are making day a day.

Here are 10 ways for self-evaluate

1) Make a wishlist were you write what you are expected to have in the final work

2) Make a checklist in which every week you are going to check what you already have and what you are missing.

3) Make a balance of what you want comparing to what you have for self-evaluating.

4) Make a personal survey that you are going to answer every day for taking into account the actions you are making.

5) Ask to someone very close to you some questions about the plan you are making for knowing others opinion.

6) Take a CAFE-MU which is a Rochester School method very effective were you can see how are you feeling doing this process.

7) Make a journal of your day so you can resume and remember what actions you made and evaluate why you take those decisions.

8) Create an improvement plan were you recognized the actions you had made and create a way to improve them.

9) Make a weekly list of the things you are going to do and put an alarm for remember the datelines of your "things to do".

10) Write ten questions in a paper created by your own so you can feel comfortable self-evaluating your actions and things to do. For example: what have I done today? What can I improve? What am I going to do different tomorrow?