.. The times Magazine | Page 42

Then when you have education, respect and rules to be broken but should be broked and people start to live under them, the society or the community that they live in start to behave as a community. As a real one with a public benefit over the private ones. When this group of people that I'm calling society or community is under this three basic requirements, now it can start to grow literally. In this case it's literally because now that this group of people work as it should, people that live outside it will start to see the changes had how good it would be to be inside it, or to be even part of it. Now the community will start to grow as a signal of improvements and good things that have come. In this case, in our society, if you want specially Bogota's community to grow you must teach people to respect each other and to follow the rules primarily. Then they must be educated and finally they must know that their right, as I previously said, go until the ones of the other people within the society start. With this I'm saying that here in Bogota and in the school people are missing a lot of respect. Respect between each other and with the rules. People don't respect what they're told to do. People don't follow the rules and try to always figure out how they can get rid of something that is stopping them of their private benefit. Always and you can see it in every aspect in this society. When we live inside a community that respect each other, when we live in a community that know how to behave and how to follow the rules that are made for people not to spoil the community, and when we live in a community where people realize that they're not the center of the universe and that they're not everything int he world, then we can be talking about a growth in this society that nowadays is so damaged for the same people that live in it.

Everything in our society spins around only one word. And it's intolerance. People that we have in our surrounding haven't learned how to behave in community and that a community looks for a public benefit over the thousand private ones that exist.