.. The times Magazine | Page 35

Another reason why I love soccer is because it takes a lot of team effort. So much you wouldn’t even imagine. If one person doesn’t try on the team or doesn’t give 110% your whole team loses. There is no I in team and that was the first thing I learned during my soccer career. Team effort is what I love, because you have to work with your team and communicate with every one to take the ball up the field and score. My coach always says; score early so we have a cushion for some time. And that’s true. He says that every day before a game. He also says team effort is what scores the goals. And I remember the first game. We lost 7-0. He said we lost because we couldn’t connect 3 passes without getting the ball taken away. And we had NO TEAM EFFORT. That game every one was greedy. They wanted to score the most goals and they didn’t care what anyone said. I admit it; I was like that the first game to. But team effort is what wins the game.

So in conclusion, it is important to know I love soccer because, it involves a lot of running and skill, I have been playing since I was five, and I involves team effort.