The Tejas Pages 2010 | Page 29

Summer Ministry Community MINISTRY (TEAM) MINISTRY Community >> “ Nelan Hughes Discipleship Intern “Being with the kids each week brought me so much joy. I was loved unconditionally by them. They held onto every moment they had with us learning about Jesus. Seeing the smiles on their faces and the love in their hearts was such an encouragement. They made me laugh and even made me cry. Being able to see them grow over the summer is something I will always treasure.” “Community Ministry really shows us that our own backyard has kids and adults with open hearts and minds. All we have to do is extend a hand... and maybe a burger.” -Iowa Hawkins, SMT camp tejas Magazine 2010 andrew.indd 29 ” Since I took Spanish classes in school, I had the opportunity to connect with two little girls in community ministry. I could only talk to them a little, but they were still mi amigas. -Brittany Gryder, SMT t 29 10/29/2010 6:27:06 PM