The Symes Report | Page 25


Andrew Payne, business analyst at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) understands the need for honing our human based skills to stay relevant in the modern workforce. Skills which he he has worked on in the Symes Group Leadership Program at RANZCR. Andrew: "I think it is a fair assumption to say that we are moving towards an era where many professional tasks are being automated, and many skills will be made redundant."

Andrew: "I strongly believe that it will be the ability for people to not only interpret the output, but to convey this information to others that will be a key requirement for a successful career. The Symes Group workshops we attended focused heavily on providing the tools that we need to develop these skills to ensure that we can adapt to the changing business environment.

At RANZCR, our policy team will always have a human element to it. However, even some aspects of our core skills such as negotiations, may be automated in the future. Looking at my role, some of the AI technology being created will allow for deeper research and analysis, at a quicker rate, than can be performed by a human employee.

It is important that RANZCR continues to develop its skills in these areas to ensure that we are not disconnected from the human aspects of the processes and are able to engage effectively with others within the sector (both decisions makers and patients/consumers) to help shape government policy."

"Self awareness and understanding of others, usually known as soft skills, are in fact hard skills and in a way the hardest skills to learn and embed."





This high paced, energetic, exciting, positive, inspiring and interactive session will demystify what is commonly viewed as ‘Networking’ and as an alternative offer practical and tangible skills to take opportunities in every interaction to expand your circle of influence, build and maintain business relationships and most importantly build business.

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