The Symes Report | Page 14

Tell us about what you do and why you do it.

At Limpid Logic we believe that technology makes us more human and that we are responsible for what we create and bring into this world. We develop technologies and inventions that bring value and contribute to our daily life rather than take away from it.

What is happening in AR/VR in Australia?

Both the AR and VR spaces are hot in Australia at the moment, and of course all around the world. As for us, the most exciting part was getting hold of two Hololens headsets, eight months before anyone else in Australia. And it is great to see that Microsoft Hololens is finally available for pre-orders in Australia.

What is Hololens and what does it mean for Australia?

Hololens is an augmented reality headset developed by Microsoft. It's a self contained, holographic computer, that allows you to engage with your digital content and interact with holograms in the real world around you.

"...Technology makes us more HUMAN" humand

...leads a team of hand- picked designers, engineers and gamers that specialise in various areas of product development, from user experience, branding and design, all the way through to software development and product launch as the CEO/founder of Limpid Logic.  He is one of the leading spokespeople in VR/AR technology. He is passionate about work, life and technology and works non-stop! Born in Lebanon, moving to Australia 12 years ago, Bachir brings a wealth of experience of gaming to his work and his incredible thoughts on the intersection of humanity and technology are in a word...inspiring.

Its list is primarily made up of human based skills, with creativity, emotional intelligence and people management all ranking highly. I strongly believe that it will be ability for people to not only interpret the output, but to convey this information to others that will be a key requirement for a successful career. The Symes Gouworkshops we attended focused heavily on providing the tools that we need to develop these skills to ensure that we can adapt to the changing business environment.

At RANZCR, our policy team will always have a human element to it. However, even some aspects of our core skills such as negotiations, may be automated in the future. Looking at my role, some of the AI technology being created will allow for deeper research and analysis, at a quicker rate, than can be performed by a human employee.It is important that RANZCR continues to develop its skills in these areas to ensure that we are not disconnected from the human aspects of the processes and are able to engage effectively with others within the sector (both decisions makers and patients/consumers) to help shape government policy. Andrew

In Symes Group's signature Creativity and Innovation Series, to stimulate and put into practice the creative thinking process, the question is posed to participants: "How can you use artificial intelligence/augmented reality/virtual reality in your organisation?" The outcome of this exercise is always: diversity = creativity and creativity= innovation. To illustrate the point, participants catch a glimpse of The Flying Elephant produced by Ana Tiwary and Symes Group principal consultant Barbara Harvey. The Flying Elephant is an augmented reality adaption of the children's book Elephants Have Wings by Susanne Gervay, whereby a gorgeous 3D elephant with the help of technology leaps off the page of the book. Behind the technology is Sydney- based app developer Bachir Khoury.