The Spirit 2 | страница 16

One-sided Love

Elizabeth Kaspar, Grade 11

Love, it’s something all little girls dream of. Falling in love with prince charming, getting married and living happily ever after. But as you get older you start to realize it’s not that simple. That there will be boyfriends, and girlfriends, hookups, and breakups. That the people you ‘love’ don’t love you back. It’s a hard thing to deal with. Which is why many may say it is easier to never fall in love. But what choice do we have as to who makes our heart skip a beat, makes us nervous and jittery? Makes us say stupid things because we are at a loss for words? In a sense, makes us ‘fall head over heels’ (or sneakers). Love is a crazy thing. Some say, to fall in love you have to like a person for at least 4 months, others say it could be at first sight. But many wish it was as easy as the fairy tales. That no one had to worry about heartaches and breaks. Broken hearts are deadly things, some say they can kill. But how does one’s broken heart accomplish such a feat? Here’s a story about a one sided love between two best friends: the boy falling for the girl. Claire and Jake have been best friends since the third grade and they are now heading into their ninth grade year, the first year of high school. Over the years they have become close. They share secrets and laugh often. But as they grew older, Jake’s feeling started to drift away from friendship in the hopes of something more. But could Claire feel the same?

To be continued...


We finally bid winter adieu

I was getting tired of it too

But now we have spring

I feel I could sing

What could be bad? Oh no -- a -- achoo!

By Cameron Barnes, Grade 12