The Spirit 2 | Page 10

German Department: Link

Frau Link:

How long have you been speaking German, and how many times have you been to Germany?

"I started learning German as a sophomore in high school, which was many years ago. I’ve been 12 times total; 8 with students, 1 summer of working, 1 summer of studying, 1 time as a high school student, and 1 time in college."

What was your first encounter with German?

"High school. Despite my mother being a German teacher, it’s not something I grew up with since it’s not our native language."

What made you want to pursue a career in German?

"It’s fun, I’m good at it, and I get to travel as part of the job."

Why did you pursue a career later in teaching?

"I love the moments when students really get it and make personal connections to the language, like I had during school."

Do you have any favorite memories in Germany?

"Hundreds, probably.

In 1997, we American students gathered on an 800-year-old stone bridge over the Danube River and celebrated the 4th of July with sparklers and extremely cheap champagne (all very safe and legal!).

In 2008, we were in Berlin for the World Cup, so we got to celebrate one of Germany’s early round victories in a massive, impromptu parade in the the streets. On the trip in 2014, things had been going so well I actually told the group how proud I was of them, which they made me write down and sign and date. The very next day, a student neglected to board a train and we didn’t realize it until we arrived at our next stop. And his cell phone was dead. I did my best not to freak out as we called the previous and the next train stations with no luck. After about half an hour, I found out he’d made his way back to the school. “That time we lost Jack” is a favorite memory for many people in that group."