The Sovereign Voice Issue 3 | Page 63

around the recent election campaign, most of them cold to the concept of an independent Palestinian state. We are convinced in our own minds that he has little intention of negotiating seriously for a two state solution within the term of this incoming Israeli government. We also have low confidence that the US Government will be in a position to take a lead on fresh negotiations with the vigour and the impartiality that a two state outcome demands.” Straight forward. Spot on. PRESIDENT OBAMA COMMITMENT TO THE PALESTINIAN In a wide ranging interview with the Pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awat, as reported by Mina Al-Oraibi, president Barack Obama said “I will never give up on the hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and the United States will never stop working to realize that goal. As I said when I visited Ramallah two years ago, Palestinians deserve an end to the occupation and the daily indignities that come with it; they deserve to live in an independent, sovereign state, where they can give their children a life of dignity and opportunity.” Well Mr President, is the price paid by generations of internally and externally displaced Palestinians not heavy or high enough? Palestinians are not responsible for the pogroms. Palestinians are not responsible for the persecutions. Palestinians are not responsible for the holocaust. These atrocious acts were all historically perpetrated by white, European, Christians. Conversely Arabs, Muslims offered sanctuary, refuge and protection as well as high office to generations of fleeing white, European, Jews. Why are Palestinians made to bear the full burden of righting historic wrongs for which they bear no responsibility? Arabs whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish lived harmoniously side by side in Palestine prior to Israel’s creation. 1967 BORDERS UNSCR 252: 1. 2. 3. 4. Reaffirms Resolution 252 (1968); Deplores the failure of Israel to show any regards for the resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council mentioned above; Condemns in the strongest terms all measures taken to change the status of the city of Jerusalem; Confirms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel which purport to alter the status of Jerusalem, including expropriation of land and properties thereof are invalid and cannot change that status … With minor changes, similar resolutions have been repeatedly and unanimously passed by the Security Council, albeit with occasional abstentions on the part of the United States. The norm is that the international community can be considered united regarding the legal status of Jerusalem. ” When the UN General Assembly put forward a resolution GA/11317 which passed “overwhelmingly” to accord Palestine ‘Non-Member Observer State Status’ on the 29 November 2012, Vuk Jeremić, General Assembly President, said that in today’s interconnected world “what happens between the River Jordan and the shores of the Mediterranean have become the key to the security and well-being of [all] mankind.” Indeed since its creation, Israel has held the whole world to ransom. The problems which have beleaguered and continue to plague the world are intrinsically linked to the Israeli military occupation of Palestine as well as the ensuing military interventionism to balkanise the region in order to draw up a new map. In addition, the Balfour declaration was not a permission granting laisser faire but a mere statement expressing a favourable intent or sympathy. Nothing more. Nor was it was a legally binding document. A French resolution calls for the old 1949/1967 TheSovereignVoice.Org