The Sovereign Voice Issue 3 | Page 50

TRADING IN THE PROMISES OF STRANGERS WORLD MONETARY POLICY AS DICTATED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE By the Committee to Support the ITNJ Ask the average person today what “money” is, and you will probably get a variety of responses. Some people will tell you that it represents a store of value, and then proceed to explain how that value is calculated, and all the legal and economic mechanisms that frame such computation. Others will Indeed, as of today, those who possess some basic comprehension of the de facto power structure of the world – meaning, that which is practiced in reality rather than described in the books – recognize that, by and large, governments are subservient to corporations, not the other way around like But regardless of what the average person believes, what is most important is how the governing body “governments” of many nations are supposedly endowed with judicial, legislative, and executive pow- – by whatever name one may want to call it – does not adjust itself according to common perception or assumption. So, even if the dominant narrative surrounding money says that it is “a store of value”, or ”a medium of exchange”, the reality of the situa- such power via the quasi-democratic “consent” of the people. But in reality, our “governments” are themselves merely corporations masquerading as legitimate governments (see: U.S. Code, Title 28 §3002(15a)). In truth, policies are written (and candidates are pre-selected) by moneyed interests tain the appearance of democracy in order to be - told. And considering how deeply today’s “governing bodies” deceive the people, one should not rely