The Sovereign Voice Issue 3 | Page 15

Element #2 - Offer and Negotiation. The envisaged goal and plan of action is communicated to all those who would be affected, the end result of which is produced an ‘agreement on the facts’ ‒ each individual had a complete understanding of what was being offered. This is also where the goal or plan of action is negotiated or augmented to ensure each being’s desires or choices are considered. The end result of negotiation is a goal or plan of action acknowledged by every affected individual ‒ the establishment of a mutual foundation of knowledge. Element #3 – Acceptance. The envisaged goal and plan of action was communicated fully to all potentially affected beings, and negotiated to arrive at a more complete vision accommodating the concerns of all involved, which allowed informed consent to be rendered. Informed consent is not just an acknowledgment of the potential effects, but an act of will that expresses a desire to cooperate with all aspects of the intended working ‒ an explicit communication of acceptance, such that all parties involved recognize the consent of all others. Element #4 – Consideration. The envisaged goal and plan of action, acknowledged and accepted by all, is now set into motion. This brought the metaphysical goal held within the mind into physical form via cooperating individuals. The culmination of a clearly communicated offer, negotiated and accepted, now results in a generated result, action, or development. In a commercial setting, consideration is the phase when all parties are compensated for their participation, either by representations of value, such as money, or by the production of a desired goal. In justice, consideration is the phase when all parties have been satisfied and some form of compensation is rendered to address harm or grievance. Whether the consideration is commerc ial, civil or physical, a generated result marks the completion of a contractual arrangement. mind and the mechanics of communication so as to establish cooperation. The originator’s mind develops the goal, sharing it with those involved, and in the process, transmitting and receiving information, changing each person’s knowledge of the proposal at each point of exchange, altering the mental landscape through which trust and cooperation are established. If at any stage of the process communication breaks down or information is withheld, trust is dissolved and the potential for disagreements arises, becoming actual disagreements if actions are taken without all parties having given fully-informed consent. For example, if one has the desire to eat dinner with their spouse, they must issue notice and communicate this in some form. If they fail to do so, obviously the desired goal cannot come about. Similarly, when individuals act on their desires before negotiating with others, no cooperation can take place; and controversy ensues. The inverse of cooperation is coercion, being forced against one’s will into compliance, a prime example of a disagreeable circumstance and the basis of all harm. THE INJUSTICE OF THE SYSTEM Given the aforementioned principles regarding free will beings come into harmony, what is popularly known as justice in the world today falls decidedly short. In fact, the whole of existing justice systems are founded on a presumption of consent to private court, that we choose to settle our disputes within these insidious institutions. When receiving a letter for summons, the court presumes you consent to contract with them to settle your dispute, that you are the surety for the estate of JOHN or JANE DOE, that you understand all the terms, legal codes and elements of the court, and so on. All of this was never properly disclosed to you, and as such, no explicit consent could have ever been given. Each element of this four-step process incorporates TheSovereignVoice.Org