The Sovereign Voice Issue 1 | Page 55

Metaphorically speaking, the legal slave trade in America works in much the same way that legalization of drugs works… where as before “pot” was just a weed that grew wherever, neither legal or illegal – but now it’s an illegal drug except by government approved prescription and sanction (legal). In other words, I can obtain it with government license (state permission). Likewise, slavery was neither legal or illegal, it just was, until individual states outlawed it. Then this “amendment” came along and made it “illegal without permission” for all states, just like pot. All you have to do is run a state approved prison (pot pharmacy) and only conduct this slavery within its walls (pot clinic/pharmacy/store) to make it legal slavery (medical marijuana). The concept to comprehend here is God’s law or common law – meaning most prisoners did not break this law, which states “do not do harm to others or their property”. Instead, they have committed “victimless” crimes (the STATE is the victim – like running a stop sign) which makes them eligible for slavery in private prisons per the 13th Amendment (and some of those prisoner/slaves are only guilty of smoking a joint). And one last thing… community service is not for the benefit of the community. It is the temporary indenturing of code violators who haven’t harmed anyone but the state. The only “community service” you are allowed to participate in are state sanctioned organizations or corporations which serve the state or are non-profit in name only, receiving large sums of contracted money for your service. This is not constitutional or lawful. It is slavery hidden behind a corrupt charitable FOR PROFIT company who uses your state approved enslavement as positive public relations in a public-private-partnership (ppp) with the government. The 13th Amendment is unconstitutional. It must be abolished, as must legalized state sanctioned slavery. Please pass this on , for if we do not liberate our brothers and sisters out of this legal slave trade now, we may soon find that the only job choices left in America are prison guards or involuntary servants. Marijuana is illegal without a (state approved) doctors prescription, making it legal for state approved persons by state approved distributors. Slavery is illegal without a judges (the STATE’S) prescription (permission), making it legal for state approved institutions to have slaves which are state approved (condemned) individuals. I don’t know how I can make this any clearer! This system of outsourcing prisoners to privately held corporate prisons, only induces “the state” to produce more victimless (innocent) state appointed criminals in order to produce more prisoners (slaves) for the state sanctioned legal slave trade that our government has the monopoly on through its 13th Amendment to the constitution. TheSovereignVoice.Org TO BECOME A FOUNDING I.T.N.J ADVOCATE ENTER HERE