The Sovereign Voice Issue 1 | Page 22

any section were to be quarantined because of our own personal judge-ments and preference, then we would be impinging on another’s free will choice to read from that section, should they have the desire to. That is how our own personal judge-ments, prejudices, and biases can actually limit others’ growth when we choose to suppress information. Each and every one of us has a completely unique life experience, based on all the things we’ve seen, places we’ve been, books we’ve read and knowledge we have acquired along our own journey, and we each hold a one-of-a kind piece that fits into a universal puzzle. We now know that his-story has been fragmented, re-written, manipulated, and whitewashed throuout the millennia, and it is now not only our duty, but also our great pleasure and joy as a species to be sitting around a universal table, all contributing our individual piece of information to put this puzzle back together in order to see the bigger picture, and if even a single one of us chooses to with-hold our unique piece because of how we think others will react to it, then we are doing a huge dis-service to others who need that piece in order to finally see what they may have been searching for their entire life, just as I was. I know if someone had chosen to with-hold the things that I now know because of how I would react to it, then I would never be where I currently am today and would not have found the answers that I had been seeking my ENTIRE LIFE, and I couldn’t imagine what could be more valuable. To me that would be the ultimate crime… the obstruction of information. Now that we’ve dis-cussed my views on Syncretics, lets explain etymology. In order to introduce you to the under-standing of the mechanics of word etymology, we are going to show you the very etymology of the word ‘etymology’. The very word ‘etymology’ comes from much more ancient roots, spanning throughout his-story and many different cultures and languages, as is the case for all words and forms of language and communication. comes from: ethimolegia from Old French et(h)imologie (14c., Modern French étymologie), from Latin etymologia, from Greek etymologia, properly , from the root words of: etymon “TRUE SENSE” (neuter of etymos related to eteos ) + logia (see - logy). So etymology is a compound word, which comes from the root words of Logia, meaning ‘ and etym, meaning . So in other words, we’re talking about getting to the true essence of what concepts mean by studying the very used to describe these concepts. Now let’s dive into what the word esoteric means and how we can apply it in order to gain wisdom and understanding. Esoteric comes from Greek esoterikos from esotero , comparative adverb of , related to eis (see en-). In English, originally of Pythagorean doctrines. According to Lucian, the division of teachings into and , originated with Aristotle. TheSovereignVoice.Org