The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 30

 V PART  ),9(',*,7$/38%/,&$7,213/$7)2506ŏ7+5((9,'(2&+$11(/6ŏ7:262&,$/1(76,7(6ŏ21(*,)9(18( 2003-2009 Educators : The Library Of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use Primary Sources. VIEW US www.loc. gov/ teachers The Beetles Rubber Soul 1965 Radios were abuzz with such groundbreaking singles as “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” and “Like a Rolling Stone.” That December, the Beatles met th eir peers’ challenge head-on with Rubber Soul, a stunning collection that preserved the taut pop focus of the band’s earlier LPs while introducing newfound sophistication and depth. Producer George Martin described 5XEEHU 6RXO DV ´WKH ÀUVW DOEXP WR SUHVHQW D new, growing Beatles to the world,” and so it was. ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP Est.1991 Lesson Overview ■ Study the poignant lyrics of songs people wrote to memorialize epic events. Use your research skills to search the American Memory collections to broaden your understanding of how people have dealt with disaster. Then share your learning by creating a presentation for others in which you assume the role of a witness to such an event and create your own personal account. Lesson Objective ■ Students will be able to: 1. Read and discuss literary and nonliterary texts in order to understand human experience. 2. Read to acquire information from a variety of sources. 3. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively to an audience for a particular purpose. 4. Interpret history using a variety of sources, such as biographies, diaries, artifacts and eyewitness interviews. ■ Y BILLBOARD BEAT S ! ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Gazette ■ City Backyard Beats! MISS VIKKI CARR THE VOICE OF EL PASO ORIGINAL STORY EL PASO TEXAS Vikki Carr El Paso -A legendary star of the stage and screen Vikki Carr has captivated audiences nationally and abroad for over 50 years with her melodic voice and presence. She is one of the best-loved and most accomplished entertainers in the United States, Latin America and Europe. In her illustrious career she has garnered four Grammy Awards including a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Recording Academy and has- “I was born Florencia Bisenta de Casillas Martinez Cardona in El Paso Texas.“ -Vikki Carr released over 60 best-selling recordings. She has performed for the Queen RI (QJODQG ÀYH United States Presidents, wartime soldiers in Vietnam and sold-out audiences around the world. She has ZRUNHG LQ UDGLR WHOHYLVLRQ ÀOP DQG WKHDWHU +HU music embraces four languages and she is among WKHÀUVWDUWLVWVWREULGJHWKHFXOWXUHVRIWKH8QLWHG States and Latin America, paving the way for many performers today. Born Florencia Bisenta de Casillas Martinez Cardona in El Paso. Texas and raised in Southern California, the eldest of seven children, who would later change her name to Vikki Carr, began performing at the age of four singing Adeste Fidelis in Latin at a Christmas program. She was signed to a contract with Liberty Records LQ  6KH UHFRUGHG +H¶V $ 5HEHO ZKLFK ÀUVW became a hit in Australia. That title was soon followed by the unforgettable release, It Must Be Him, which charged up the charts in England. One year later, the single was released in the United States and earned Carr three Grammy Award nominations. The international hit emerged again when she and the song were featured in the storyline of the Academy Award winning movie Moonstruck. After It Must Be Him came a string of hits including With Pen In Hand, for which she received her fourth Grammy Award nomination, The Lesson, Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You and For Once in My Life. -END 30 Rubber Soul 1965 *HRUJH +DUULVRQ·V VLWDU RQ ´1RUZHJLDQ :RRGµ ² WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKH LQVWUX PHQW ZDV XVHG LQ D SRS VRQJ ² DQG 3DXO 0F &DUWQH\·V IX]] EDVV RQ ´7KLQN IRU