The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 29

VIEW US travelthepass #198 SW CHRONICLE EDU© Little Walters 1957 7KLV 0XGG\ :DWHUV VLGHPDQ DWWDFNHG WKH KDU monica with the authority of the bop sax players he loved, bringing a dynamic new sound to &KLFDJREOXHV,QKLVRZQ´-XNHµWRSSHG WKH5 %FKDUWV%XWKHKDGQRFRQWURORIKLVSHU VRQDOOLIHKHGLHGDWDIWHUEHLQJLQMXUHGLQD VWUHHWÀJKW PART V ('8&$7,21$/ŏ'8$//$1*8$*(ŏ81&219(17,21$/ likeuson SW CHRONICLE EDU© ('8&$7,21$/ ŏ '8$//$1*8$*( ŏ 81&219(17,21$/ DICK POE In loving memory to an El Paso legend, a friend and an inspiration. #200 Highway to Hell 1979 Bon Scott was a bourbon-swilling force of nature, and by AC/DC’s fourth LP, he and guitarist Angus Young had become a one-two punch with killer songs (like the bulldozing title track) to match. Scott’s wicked ways caught up with him, however: He was dead six months after Highway hit shelves. %\$&'&KDGUHOHDVHGÀYHDOEXPVLQWHU QDWLRQDOO\DQGKDGWRXUHG$XVWUDOLDDQG(XURSH H[WHQVLYHO\,QWKH\ODQGHGLQ$PHULFDDQG with virtually no radio support, began to amass a live following. The band’s most recent album, WKHOLYH,I