The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 28

  V PART ),9(',*,7$/38%/,&$7,213/$7)2506ŏ7+5((9,'(2&+$11(/6ŏ7:262&,$/1(76,7(6ŏ21(*,)9(18( 2003-2009 Educators : The Library Of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use Primary Sources. VIEW US www.loc. gov/ teachers travelthepass The African American Identity SHEET MUSIC SPELL CHECK! Lesson Overview ■ (Grades 8-12) Students examine the tension experienced by African-Americans during the Gilded Age. This lesson includes the study of sheet music DVDUHÁHFWLRQRIFXOWXUDODWWLWXGHV7KHSULPDU\VRXUFHV used are drawn from a time of great change that begins after Reconstruction’s brief promise of full citizenship and ends with the First World War’s Great Migration, when many African-Americans sought greater freedoms and opportunities by leaving the South for booming industrial cities elsewhere in the nation. Lesson Objective ■ 1.Recognize how African-Americans survived in an environment in which they were considered inferior 2.Identify ways in which African-Americans sustained for themselves a vibrant culture 3.How shared experiences shape a people’s identity ■ travelthepass OUR C I T Y BILLBOARD BEAT S ! ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Gazette ■ City Backyard Beats! ELVIS PRESLEY A KIND UNBRIDLED BAD BOY ORIGINAL STORY EL PASO TEXAS 1960 Elvis Presley El Paso -Traveling by train to California, Elvis was mobbed by fans in El Paso Texas on April 20, 1960. 2000 screaming fans jammed our EP Union Depot to admire their idol. The rock ‘n’ roll troubadour’s special car rolled into the sun city at 10:45 p. m. The WHHQDJHUVVWDUWHGWRÀOHLQWRWKHGHSRWDVHDUO\DV p. m. The train was here for an hour and 40 minutes and the roaring, cheering fans were treated to a - ´,WKLQN(O3DVR·VDJUHDWWRZQ,RQFH spent some time just strolling around here and Juarez by myself.” -Elvis few smiles and hip-wiggles from Elvis. Miss Van Tassel, of 626 Kerbey Avenue, sneaked through a group of special police with a borrowed suitcase and boarded the train with other passengers getting on. She managed to wangle permission to enter the car with members of the press, and then with lady-like poise, accepted a kiss on the cheek from Elvis. “I don’t think I’ll ever wash that cheek again,” she said. Elvis appeared in the lounge car for a brief press conference dressed in black velvet pants, black patent leather shoes, and open-necked red shirt. He had a slight yellow cast on his handsome features and his eyes looked sleepy. “It’ll take me a few seconds to get woke up,” Presley told newsmen, and started signing autographs. He explained that he had been taking a nap. “I’m not going to get married, not now anyway,” he sai d. “But if I met the right girl, why, I’d marry her right off the bat!” Elvis said he wants to progress into more dramatic W\SHÀOPV´,WKLQN(O3DVR·VDJUHDWWRZQµKHVDLG “I’ve been through here lots of times. I’m sort of a West Texas boy, after all. I once spent some time just strolling around here and Juarez by myself. I’d sure give it a try again right now if the kids would let me!” When asked about his next recording, he started to sing Out in the West Texas town of El Paso..., “ He interrupted the cheers by saying, “Whoops, I’m not Marty Robbins, am I?” He said that his next recording will be up to Colonel Parker his manager. The crowd hung on until the train pulled out a little after midnight. -END 28 GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© #250 Reasonable Doubt 1996 “The studio was like a psychiatrist’s couch for me,” Jay-Z told Rolling Stone, and his debut is full of a hustler’s dreams and laments. It established Jay as the premier freestyle rapper of his JHQHUDWLRQ DQG LQFOXGHV D ÀOWK\ JXHVW DSSHDU ance from a 16-year-old Foxy Brown on “Ain’t No Nigga.” ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP Est.1991 VIEW US All Content herein is Intellectual Property of Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991 #299 Weezer 1994 When it came out, Weezer’s debut was merely a cool, quirky power-pop album with a couple of hit singles – “Buddy Holly” and “Undone (The Sweater Song).” But Rivers Cuomo’s band inÁXHQFHG D OHJLRQ RI VDGVDFN SXQNHUV 7RGD\ they stand just a step below Nirvana in the alt-rock canon. :HH]HU  :KLOH SUHSSLQJ IRU WKH IRUWKFRP ing studio sessions, the band focused on their YRFDO LQWHUSOD\ E\ SUDFWLFLQJ EDUEHUVKRS TXDU tet-styled songs, which helped both Cuomo and 6KDUSDFKLHYHDQHZIRXQGFROODERUDWLYHFRPIRUW GXULQJ UHKHDUVDOV 6KDUS ZKR QHYHU VDQJ EH IRUHMRLQLQJ:HH]HUGHYHORSHGKLVIDOVHWWREDFN ing vocal: “I had to sing an octave higher than Rivers. After a lot of practice, I started to get it down.” #298 'HVSLWH WKH H[SRVXUH KH UHFHLYHG IURP .DQH Jay-Z was still without a record deal. He began selling tapes from his car with help from friend 'DPRQ 'DVK 7KH VXFFHVV RI KLV VWUHHWOHYHO marketing led to a deal with Payday Records, ZKLFKUHOHDVHGKLVÀUVWVRORVLQJOH´,Q0\/LIH WLPHµDQGLWV%VLGH´,&DQ·W*HWZLG'DWµ,QDQ unconventional move, Jay-Z then spurned the record contract he had long sought and left Payday Records to form his own label, Roc-A-Fella ReFRUGV ZLWK 'DPRQ 'DVK DQG .DUHHP ´%LJJVµ %XUNH-D\=ODWHUH[SODLQHGWKDWKHFRXOGGRD better job of marketing his records on his own. VIEW US travelthepass College Dropout 2004 2QKLVGHEXWWKHVHOISURFODLPHG´ÀUVW>UDSSHU@ with a Benz and a backpack” beat the producer-tries-to-rap jinx and broke boundaries others wouldn’t acknowledge – from the gospel riot “Jesus Walks” to the Luther Vandross tribute “Slow Jamz.” :HVW·VEUHDNWKURXJKFDPHRQ2FWREHU when, while driving home from a California recording studio after working late, he fell asleep at the wheel and was involved in a near-fatal car crash. The crash left him with a shattered jaw, which had to be wired shut in reconstructive surJHU\7KHDFFLGHQWLQVSLUHG:HVWWZRZHHNVDIWHU being admitted to a hospital, he recorded a song DW WKH 5HFRUG 3ODQW 6WXGLRV ZLWK KLV MDZ VWLOO wired shut. The grand composition, “Through 7KH:LUHµH[SUHVVHG:HVW·VH[SHULHQFHDIWHUWKH accident, and helped lay the foundation for his debut album. #249 Automatic For The People 1992 R.E.M. Automatic For The People “It doesn’t sound a whole lot like us,” warned guitarist PeWHU%XFNEXWWKDWZDVWKHSRLQWRI5(0·VHLJKWK album. Largely acoustic, and with string parts arranged by Led Zeppelin’s John Paul Jones, this PXVLFDOOHIWWXUQÀQGVDKDXQWHGEHDXW\ #248 The Shape Of Jazz To Come 1959 #297 Mothers Of Invention 1968 A milestone of studio mischief and a merciless satire of anything that upset Frank Zappa off in ÁRZHUSRZHU·VKH\GD\²GULSS\KLSSLHVWKH(V WDEOLVKPHQW ZKDWHYHU ,Q  =DSSD ZDV DS proached by Ray Collins who asked him to take RYHU DV WKH JXLWDULVW IROORZLQJ D ÀJKW EHWZHHQ Collins and the group’s original guitarist. The EDQG ZDV UHQDPHG WKH 0RWKHUV FRLQFLGHQWDOO\ RQ0RWKHU·V'D\´7KH0RWKHUV$X[LOLDU\µZDV suggested which prompted Zappa to come up ZLWKWKHQDPH´7KH0RWKHUVRI,QYHQWLRQµ Coleman’s sound was so out-there, one audience at an early gig threw his sax over a cliff. He pioneered free jazz: no chords, no harmony, any player can take the lead – music as lyrical as it is demanding, particularly on “Lonely Woman.” The album to be titled Focus on Sanity, after one of the songs on the album, it was ultimately titled The Shape of Jazz to Come at the urging of Atlantic producer Nesuhi Ertegun, who felt that the title would give consumers “an idea about the uniqueness of the LP.” )URPWREHWZHHQ1HZ2UOHDQV)RUW :RUWK DQG /RV $QJHOHV ZRUNLQJ YDULRXV MREV DQG GHYHORSLQJ KLV RZQ XQLTXH VRXQG WKDW ZDV RIWHQPHWZLWKKRVWLOLW\+LVXQLTXHDSSURDFKWR MD]]LQLWLDOO\PDGHLWGLIÀFXOWWRPDNHHQGVPHHW E\SOD\LQJPXVLF:KLOHHPSOR\HGDVDQHOHYDWRU operator in Los Angeles, he studied music theory and harmony and developed an idiosyncratic take on country blues and folk forms. Coleman’s big break came in Los Angeles when he caught the attention of Percy Heath and John Lewis, the EDVVLVWDQGSLDQLVWRIWKH0RGHUQ-D]]4XDUWHW Lewis encouraged Coleman and his trumpeter 'RQ&KHUU\WRDWWHQGWKH/HQQR[6FKRRORI-D]] LQ0DVVDFKXVHWWVLQ