The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 25

VIEW US travelthepass #450 SW CHRONICLE EDU© For Everyman 1973 On his second album, Browne emerged as the J.D. Salinger of the L.A. singer-songwriters; VRQJVOLNH´7KHVH'D\Vµ ÀUVWUHFRUGHGE\9HO vet Underground singer Nico) capture the shift from the idealistic Sixties to the disillusioned Seventies. #213 Tattoo You 1981 Tattoo You was lean, tough and bluesy – the Stones relying on their strengths, as if they’d PDWXUHG LQWR WKH NLQG RI VXUHÀUH EOXHVPHQ they’d idolized as kids. It spent nine weeks at Number One on the strength of “Start Me Up,” in which Mick Jagger snuck the line “You make a dead man c#@e” onto the radio. 7KH5ROOLQJ6WRQHVVRQFRQVLGHUDGRVXQDGHODV PiV JUDQGHV H LQÁX\HQWHV DJUXSDFLRQHV GH OD KLVWRULDGHOURFNVLHQGRODDJUXSDFLyQTXHVHQWy las bases del rock contemporáneo. Contando desde sus inicios con el favor de la crítica, algunos de sus materiales están considerados entre los mejores de todos los tiempos; entre ellos GHVWDFDQ %HJJDUV %DQTXHW   /HW ,W %OHHG   6WLFN\ )LQJHUV   \ TXL]i VX PHMRU REUD([LOHRQ0DLQ6W  (QIXHURQ LQFOXLGRVHQHO6DOyQGHOD)DPDGHO5RFNDQG 5ROO\HQODUHYLVWDHVWDGRXQLGHQVH5ROOLQJ 6WRQHORVFRORFyHQHOSXHVWR1RHQVXOLVWDGH /RV0HMRUHV$UWLVWDVGHWRGRVORV7LHPSRV 1LQJ~QJUXSRGHURFNKDVWDODIHFKDKDVRVWHQL do tan duradera y todavía mundialmente reconRFLGDWUD\HFWRULDFRPR7KH5ROOLQJ6WRQHVFRQ -DJJHU 5LFKDUGV \ :DWWV FRPR PLHPEURV IXQ GDGRUHV HQ DFWLYR FRQWLQ~DQ VLHQGR OD EDQGD más longeva de la historia del rock. $FFRUGLQJWRERWK%LOOERDUGDQG*XLQQHVV¶%ULW LVK+LW6LQJOHV $OEXPVWKLVDOEXPEHFDPHD1R DOEXPLQERWKWKH8. ZKHUHLWGHEXWHGDW1R  DQGWKH86,WVWD\HGDW1RLQWKH8.IRUWZR weeks and in WKH 86 IRU seventeen weeks. It was nominated IRU *UDP my Awards for Album of WKH $OOPDQ@GLGLW,WKRXJKWWKDWKH really unlocked a power in that song that I sort of then emulated in my version. I started playing WKHSLDQR,ZDVQ·WWU\LQJWRVLQJLWOLNH*UHJJ, couldn’t possibly. I took the cue, playin’ this slow ZDON%XWLWZDVZULWWHQYHU\VRUWRINLQGRIDOLW WOHPRUHÁDWSLFNLQJµ´7DNH,W(DV\µZDVZULWWHQ E\%URZQHDQG)UH\DQGEHFDPHWKH(DJOHV·ÀUVW VLQJOHUHOHDVHGRQ0D\)RU(YHU\PDQ ZDVFHUWLÀHGDVD*ROGUHFRUGLQDQG3ODW LQXPLQE\WKH5,$$ SW CHRONICLE EDU est w AI Mthesodutuhs t eat my ©2008 P TTPMM 1 9 91 VIEW US travelthepass #448 SYNCHRONICITY 1983 “I do my best work when I’m in pain and turmoil,” Sting told Rolling Stone. And indeed, the GLVVROXWLRQRIKLVÀUVWPDUULDJHSURGXFHGVRPH of his best work yet, including “King of Pain” and the stalker’s anthem “Every Breath You Take.” There was pain and turmoil in the band, too – it would be the Police’s last album. The album’s title was inspired by Arthur Koestler’s The Roots of Coincidence, which mentions Carl Jung’s theory of synchronicity. Sting was an avid reader of Koestler, and also named Ghost in the Machine after one of his works. PART V ('8&$7,21$/ŏ'8$//$1*8$*(ŏ81&219(17,21$/ ´:H·YHEHHQLQEXVLQHVV a long time. In fact, we have people coming in to buy cars whose grandparents bought cars from us years ago. We also have parents coming in to buy WKHLUNLGVWKHLUÀUVWFDUµ -Dick Poe rip ■ The SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP Est.1991 #449 Big Star 1974 5HFRUGHG WKHLU WKLUG DQG ÀQDO DOEXP LQ  but it didn’t get released until 1978, in part because singer Alex Chilton sounds like he’s having a nervous breakdown. It’s a record of gorgeous, disjointed heartbreak ballads. ,WZDVUHFRUGHGLQ7KRXJK$UGHQW6WXGLRV FUHDWHG WHVW SUHVVLQJV IRU WKH UHFRUG LQ  D FRPELQDWLRQRIÀQDQFLDOLVVXHVWKHXQFRPPHU cial sound of the record, and lack of interest from VLQJHU$OH[&KLOWRQDQGGUXPPHU-RG\6WHSKHQV in continuing the project prevented the album IURPHYHUEHLQJSURSHUO\ÀQLVKHGRUUHOHDVHGDW WKHWLPHRILWVUHFRUGLQJ,WZDVUHOHDVHGLQ by PVC Records. #94 Hank’ Greatest Hits 1978 :KHQ+DQN:LOOLDPV6UGLHGRQ1HZ