The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 24

  V PART ),9(',*,7$/38%/,&$7,213/$7)2506ŏ7+5((9,'(2&+$11(/6ŏ7:262&,$/1(76,7(6ŏ21(*,)9(18( All Content herein is Intellectual Property of Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991 2003-2009 Educators : The Library Of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use Primary Sources. VIEW US www.loc. gov/ teachers travelthepass Music U.S. Reform History MAKING A MUSICAL SPLASH! Lesson Overview ■ 3RSXODUPXVLFKDVUHÁHFWHGWKHPRRG ■ VIEW US travelthepass OUR C I T Y BILLBOARD BEAT S ! ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Gazette ■ City Backyard Beats! MARTY ROBBINS SAYS IT’S ALL ABOUT ROSA ORIGINAL STORY EL PASO TEXAS 1960 Marty Robins El Paso -Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in ORYH ZLWK D 0H[LFDQ JLUO 1LJKW WLPH ZRXOG ÀQG me in Rosa’s Cantina... So runs the song “El Paso,” which Marty Robbins, who came to El Paso today, has made the most warbled ballad in the world. ´,·YHQHYHUEHHQDEOHWRÀQG5RVD·VSODFHP\VHOIµ WKHKDQGVRPHVLQJHUFRQÀGHG´3HRSOHDUHDOZD\V asking me if it’s a real bar in Juarez or El Paso.” The Chamber of Commerce, in appreciation of the ´,·YHQHYHUEHHQDEOHWRÀQG5RVD· place myself, I made it up for the song.” -Marty Robbins fact that Marty has sold 3,500,000 records of the song, presented a real live beautiful “Felina” to the composer today at the famed International Club. She is Cira S erros, an El Paso model who also welcomed King Baudouin of the Belgians to this west Texas town a year ago. Cira, of course, is not wicked at all, but the 21-year-old beauty could charm a cowboy off his best horse. It was all in fun and not only enlivened the luncheon but added to the immense publicity the song has created. Robbins has visited El Paso before. On a previous trip he got the inspiration for the song that is now No. 1 on the Billboard and Cash Box polls. He was driving into El Paso on the Carlsbad highway at night and there, spread before him, were the twinkling lights of El Paso and Juarez. “That view inspired me,” Mr. Robbins said. “The words came to me right then -a song about the old town of El Paso. Columbia wouldn’t record it. I worked it over again and again,” Marty related. “I worked on that song for three years, off and on. But instead of making it shorter it got longer. I couldn’t tell the story in less than four minutes and 37 seconds.” Meanwhile Marty continued with his other compositions. He sang with Grand Old Opry in Nashville, Tenn. His career had started in his home town, Phoenix, after his discharge from the Navy after World War II. “Finally I gave up,” Marty said. “I couldn’t make the song any shorter. So then Columbia went ahead and recorded it. It was four minutes and 37 seconds long.” -END 24 GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© B.B. King 1971 King was enjoying a career renaissance when he played this Chicago jail in 1970. He won over WKHKRVWLOHSULVRQHUVZLWKGHÀQLWLYHYHUVLRQVRI his blues standards and his crossover hit “The Thrill Is Gone.” ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP Est.1991 and opinions of the times. By exploring sheet music, students analyze issues related to industrialization and reform to answer the essential question, “How does society respond to change?” Students will have the opportunity WRFUHDWHRULJLQDOO\ULFVDQGVRQJFRYHUVWKDWUHÁHFWWKH Progressive Era. Lesson Objective ■ Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to: identify historical events referenced in music. Examine pieces of sheet music and identify context, purpose, and perspective with regard to the political, social, and economic conditions existing at that time. Explore ways music is used to shape public opinion. Create lyrics and music covers for an original song illustrating a topic of the Progressive Era. #499 #500 A LaFace 1998 B.B. KING Cook County Jail is a story of two men—the man who “cleaned up a mess,” and a man who felt Cook County Jail was as important an engagement as Caesar’s Palace. It was D ORQJ ÀJKW IRU :LQVWRQ 0RRUH WZR \HDUV RI confrontations before he became “the jail’s only EDUQERVVµ,WZDVDORQJHUÀJKWIRU%%.LQJ )RURYHU\HDUV%%.LQJSOD\HGWKH´FKLW tlin circuit,” enjoyed a modest income and never received the public acclaim he deserved. After a managerial change, wider exposure has made him recognized as the “chairman of the board of blues singers.” At a time when formulaic albums by Master P and Puff Daddy topped the charts, OutKast unleashed an explosive hip-hop that deployed live musicians, social commentary and a heavy dose of deep funk. Hits like “Rosa Parks” put the duo’s hometown “Hotlanta” on the rap map. Aquemini is the third studio album by Ameri- FDQ KLS KRS GXR 2XW.DVW UHOHDVHG RQ 6HSWHP EHUWKURXJK/D)DFH5HFRUGV7KHWLWOH is a portmanteau of the two performers’ Zodiac VLJQV $TXDULXV %LJ %RL  DQG *HPLQL $QGUp  ZKLFKLVLQGLFDWLYHRIWKHDOEXP·VUHFXU ring theme of the differing personalities of the two members. The group recorded the majority RI WKH DOEXP LQ %REE\ %URZQ·V %RVVWRZQ 5H FRUGLQJ6WXGLRVDQG'RSSOHU6WXGLRVERWKLQ$W ODQWD*HRUJLD #497 VIEW US travelthepass White Blood Cells Third album by Jack and Meg White was the right dynamite for a mainstream breakthrough. Jack’s Delta-roadhouse fantasies, Detroit-garage-rock razzle and busted-love lyricism, as well as Meg’s toy-thunder drumming all peaked at once. 7KH FRYHU DUW RI :KLWH %ORRG &HOOV GHSLFWV WKH duo getting both attacked and enamored by a clan of people wielding TV and video cameras. The images poke fun at the music industry and SURPRWLRQVXUURXQGLQJLW´:KHQGRHVPXVLFEH come a business and why do we have to be suckHUHGLQWRLW":K\GRZHKDYHWREX\DFHOOSKRQH you know what I mean. #498 Silvertone 1989 For a few glorious moments, the Stone Roses looked like they might lead another British InYDVLRQ,QVWHDGWKH\IHOODSDUW²EXWÀUVWWKH\ made this incredible album, highlighted by the ecstatic eight-minute-long “I Am the Resurrection.” It single-handedly launched Nineties Brit pop. #50 Here’s Little Richard 1957 “I came from a family where my people didn’t like rhythm & blues,” Little Richard told RollLQJ6WRQHLQ´%LQJ&URVE\¶3HQQLHV)URP +HDYHQ·(OOD)LW]JHUDOGZDVDOO,KHDUG$QG, knew there was something that could be louder WKDQWKDWEXWGLGQ·WNQRZZKHUHWRÀQGLW$QG, found it was me.” 5HOHDVHGLQ0D\The Stone Roses received little attention from both consumers and critics in WKH8QLWHG.LQJGRPZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQRI10( DQG0HORG\0DNHUZKRZHUHFRYHULQJWKH0DG FKHVWHUPXVLFVFHQHDWWKHWLPH%RE6WDQOH\IURP 0HORG\0DNHUFDOOHGLW´JRGOLNHµDQGVDLGWKH IRXQGDWLRQRIWKHPXVLFZDV-RKQ6TXLUH·VJXLWDU SOD\LQJ ZKLFK KH GHHPHG ´EHDXWLIXOO\ ÁRZLQJ certainly psychedelic, there are elements of HenGUL[ HVSHFLDOO\RQ¶6KRRW