The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d | Page 47

The change of feasts - the denial ( apostasy ) of faith
those who had bought the Lord from him did not tell him anything ; they did not tell him what they were going to do to the Lord he had betrayed , and only after Judas saw what it had come out of his dishonest walk , he said : « I betrayed innocent blood », ( Matt . 27:4 ), but it was too late when he saw that and great fear fell upon him , the great despair .
Behold , you do not have the Lord in you and you did not realize what kind of work you chose when you decided to be servants on God ’ s behalf , and I , the bishop Basil , the Lord ’ s witness on earth and up to heaven , am telling you that you have been nourished with unbelief in vain . God is and you will see that He is and great fear will seize you and you will not be able to hide from it for the fear of God will come down from heaven and it will fall unexpectedly on you , because you have betrayed the Lord . You have to leave room for a question mark , as behold , God is and He is coming with His retinue of saints on earth as word and He is visiting His vineyard , as the clock is beating His coming , and He is coming speaking and searching out . Amen .
Oh , Lord , save Your people and bless Your little inheritance , bless the people of Your word , that of the Romanian people , for the people have violated Your law and You are coming , searching and working , and You start all over again from the beginning and You make them all new ; You make them again for they have become corrupted .
Get up , faithful people , and rebuke satan in the name of the Lord , Jesus Christ , so that he may lose his power and obey , for I have prophesied upon him a word of reproach , which has to be fulfilled to its end ; moreover , you should also speak over the earth the word of reproach for satan and for all his servants , for they hid my book and my prophecy left against satan , and let it be read daily at you to be remembered , and let it command in the name of the Holy Spirit the destruction of satan ’ s work on earth , from the people and from all its nests and secret places . Amen .
You , servants of the Lord ’ s altar into the midst of this people chosen by the Lord for His glory of nowadays , bring prayers to the Lord for His victory , and reproach satan every day , as all the time there is with you a table with clean food on it , fasting from worldly food , as the Lord has asked you to eat monastic food always and to be always prepared , day by day with fasting and prayer , and you have loved to do this and fulfilled so at the Lord ’ s word , for the kind of the devils that swarm from heaven and down to earth no longer have any fear now but of the faithful ones , when they spend their day and night fasting and praying for the Lord ’ s coming and for His victory in the end of the time , that from nowadays . The Lord has asked you to eat monastic food always and you have loved and fulfilled so at the Lord ’ s word , and you have listened to Him . The Lord took you out of the world and you came out of it to be His people set apart for His glory . Have a big heart ! The Lord is with you within His coming , within His entire glory full of word ! Give Him power to come and build ; to come and the Lord to be on earth ! Amen .
Lord , have with them a heavenly citadel on earth , as our longing burns in heaven after Your Scriptures set on earth to the least of the Scripture of Your entire fulfillments . Oh , give them the victory with You ! Let the angels and the saints be inhabitants with them , and through them to be workers over the earth , and may those who do not love God be cursed , as it is written , for the Lord is coming . Amen .