The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d | Page 21

The change of feasts - the denial ( apostasy ) of faith
little children lest by your unwise dwelling in the spirit of humility to diminish the work of the Holy Spirit , Who is in you for the sharing of the word , sons , and for the fed life of the sanctified people . The sin of the faith denial comes upon people and this people has to be strengthened in the Lord and it has to learn with every passing day more and more his poverty and his little of everything , for the man in the world will sell his soul for a slice of bread , which he will either have it or not , after that his testimony will be for God or against God . Oh , the Lord has sought to gather His people into His arms , for the time was about to come . Oh , the man is afraid for his body , but he is not afraid for his spirit . However , be wise and strengthen the spirit and faith of the sanctified people , for the Lord protects those who are sheltered from bad weather . Amen .
Oh , sons of men ! I , the apostle of Jesus Christ , John , the Baptizer , cry out from heaven to you : repent ! You have old and new sins . You need faith in the Lord ’ s coming to you , and faith has power to make the Lord wipe out your sins if you do not longer remain in your sins . Come to repentance , for the time becomes a scroll and you do no longer have time to come to life . You should know that everything that is written in the Scriptures for the Lord ’ s coming are true words , and he who ignores this word , which flows from the Lord ’ s mouth over the earth , that one falls into condemnation , for the faith denial is coming and the man will have to choose .
Oh , do not forget , faithful man , and you , the unfaithful one too , oh , do not forget that it is written into the Scriptures that the lawless man that is going to appear in the end will be destroyed by the breath of the Lord ’ s mouth . Behold a fulfilled prophecy ! This word , which flows in these days from heaven to earth , is the breath of the Lord ’ s mouth , the work of the seventh trumpet , the work of God , the Word . Oh , here it is why the man wages war with the unfaithful man by this word and with the people of today , faithful to this word ! This word will destroy lawlessness by its breath and the man who covers it in a way that it may not be seen . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint John , the Baptizer , from 20-01- 2009 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , I am telling you now , to the one who sit as a helmsman for the Romanian people , for My ship , for the country of My coming now , in the end of the time , as word on earth and for the man ’ s salvation : leave to Me the fight and the care for the lot which follows to fight for you or against you , for the forces of the darkness have spread everywhere and blindly fought to draw under them My Romanian people . I , the Lord , am everywhere with the angels and with My saints into the midst of the Romanian people , and if the Romanian people chooses to wake up during these hard moments , then I will give him of My Spirit and I will work for him and for you at his governance , but if it chooses the lie , the strife and the pride , which from man stands against the unity and against the brotherhood of this nation , then I wash My hands from the lack of wisdom of the Romanian people for this crucial moment , and then it will suffer falling and humiliation under the man who wants to be for himself and not for this nation at its gates . However , you should put your hope and stay in the spirit of the love of the country and nation , and I will keep My people in the spirit of prayer and of the holy watch , and together with the heaven of saints and angels we will stand and fight against the great stubbornness of those who want to be for themselves and who do not want the justice , the peace and the truth on the table of the brotherhood of the Romanian people . Oh , not in this way , the brotherhood of the Romanian people was not like that in the old times , and those from this nation that are not just for it now , have forgotten their brave ancestors . However , you sit down now before Me with the courage of the hope and let Me be