The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d | Page 13

The change of feasts - the denial ( apostasy ) of faith
be judged to destruction and falling down forever ». Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The false prophet and the ecumenism 12 ”, r . n .)
Behold the thread hidden from the human look ; behold the false prophet of seven thousand years who has stood close to God in order to overthrow His dwelling in man . Behold My book lowered from heaven for the false prophet , the antichrist , who has been coming before Me since seven thousand years to thwart My dwelling in man and to make him not fulfill My holy commandments which give those who work them eternal life . Behold the false prophet , the one with a Christian face , the one who stands under My garment , for it is written : « He has two horns like the Lamb ’ s but speaks like a dragon and he is holding all the power of the first beast ». I uncover him and proclaim his nakedness , and I proclaim it to all the rulers of the souls and bodies , to all the margins , for towards the end he put his heads in My country full of all My gifts , the gifts of My second coming on earth , in the work of the new Jerusalem over creation . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at seven years after the consecration 13 of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem , from 12-12-1998 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I look over the earth and I suffer more and more . There is no one to desire My coming and My birth . I look at how man celebrates My birth two thousand years ago . For him man finds a place of celebration and joy and he also finds much delight , but My birth does not find a place with man . Man has made pagan feasts from the days , which remind of Me on the earth . Moreover , man makes a golden calf and dances around it , and I cannot come with My laws upon man , with My feasts near him .
Oh , who on earth knows more to rejoice over Me and with Me ? I look on the earth and it hurts Me more and more . My saints cry with Me ; they cry with the One Who cries , and the saints bring you refreshment to comfort Me in My mourning , sons . Oh , the world has prepared itself with great perseverance to spend in the name of My birthday , but I do not find anywhere any place for Me in the world ; nowhere , My people . I come near you with the saints and with My angels to give you refreshment , to give you life , son , for the life is the men ’ s light . I come to you to give you the word , for the word is the light of men . Amen .
… Oh , My people , neither did the world know Me then and not now ; however , those by whom I had prepared My coming knew Me then and they fulfilled it . Oh , with how much longing , with how much love , with how much awe they fulfilled it , and with how much pain , My people , for the world did not know My coming . The heaven was crying with pain then , and was seeking someone to rejoice with on the earth over My birth , and then it went to those who did not take delight in the worldly things and it told them about Me through the angels . And the
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To perform , by the appointed ceremony , the service of inauguration of a church ; to consecrate it , tr . note .