The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October, 2015 | Page 51

first person, past tense and follow the formula below: your brain now has a new story to story to reference. Det ail +Sense+Feel ing+Grat it ude/ Appreciat ion What does this have to do with the Law of Attraction? Thoughts become things, so when you start thinking the thoughts of your future self and of the experiences he or she is having those are going to become things quickly and easily. Here?s an example: I woke up this morning as I felt the cool breeze come through the window. I could hear the waves crashing as I opened my eyes. I took a deep breath as a I felt joy fill my heart. I am so grateful to be living this life. When you read the description above don?t you feel like you are right in the middle of that juicy experience? This is how you want the scripting of your dream days to feel like. After you have written all three of your dream days in juicy detail in a way that draws you into them, enlist a friend to help you with the next part. Have your friend interview you from the middle of your dream life asking you how you got there and what you had to overcome to be living in your dream life. By doing this you will get to hear your future self come through as you answer the questions. Expect some amazing ?ah-ha?s? during this part. W hen you read t he descri pt i on, don't you feel l i ke you are ri ght i n t he mi ddl e of t hat jui cy experi ence? After your future self has been interviewed, it is time to script a new story; the story of how your dream life came to be. It?s easiest to follow the Hero?s Journey outline (you can Google that) and write your story from the place of living your dream life looking back and telling how your dream life came true. Most of this will be easy because you have scripted your dream days and your future self has had a chance to speak during your interview. Once you have finished writing your dream life story, it is time to make your current life mirror your dream life as much as possible. Compare your dream life to your current life. List out everything that you are already experiencing from your dream life and start appreciating those experiences as much as possible. Take the list of what does not already exist in your life and ask yourself, ?How can I experience ____, now?? The answer might come immediately or it might come in the next few days. Find as many ways as possible to experience more of your dream life every day and watch how quickly everything you desire starts coming true! Why does this process work? The reason you keep experiencing the same story, like not being successful or not getting what you desire, is because that is the only story your brain knows. When you create the story above This process is a great way to short cut straight to thinking the thoughts of your future self so that you can attract your dream life quicker and easier. Does it work? It sure does. Workshop participants who have gone through the process report knowing ?I get my happy ending? and everyone reports feeling like a new person, tapped into their future self. Some have even experienced their business doubling 10 days after they completed the process and all have reported experiences from their dream life happening right away. Your dream life already exists. It?s just waiting on you to come true! Cassie Parks, Author, Award winning Law of Attraction Coach and radio personality` on Manifest it NOW on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. Cassie has just launched her new book called Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life, which is now available on Amazon. To learn contact Cassie about her next workshop on The Next Script of Your Dream Life go to: ht t p:/ / l iveyourchampagnel if Page 51 - Oct ober, 2015