The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine October, 2015 | Page 42

Th e Ch eat Codes to Li f e By Josh ua Th rough Gary Templ e Bodl ey W e h ave com e for th in to ph ysical r eal ity becau se we h ave been su m m on ed by th ose of you wish in g to u n der stan d th e m ech an ism of ph ysical r eal ity an d th e l aws of th e u n iver se ~ Josh u a In other words, ?we come bearing cheat codes.? Here they are: 1) You are a wort hy being, as wort hy as any who has ever l ived. Therefore you are worthy enough to receive all that you want. It is your divine right to be, do, and have anything you desire. 2) You are unique in al l of t he worl d, in al l of hist ory, and in al l of t he f ut ure. No one who has ever lived or will ever live is anything like you. You are truly unique and this fact is evidence of your complete worthiness. 3) You creat e your own real it y. Your life is your creation and you are fully responsible for how that life unfolds. It is in your control. You are not a victim to fate, you are the captain of your life. 4) You have been given f ree wil l . You can think any thought you like. However, those thoughts create your reality. You can choose to look at the negative side of things and bring more of that into your experience or you can choose to look at the positive aspects of anything and bring more of that into your experience. Page 42 - Oct ober, 2015