The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Oct. 2016 | Page 59

A Few Fun W ays t o U ncover Your True D esires By C ari Rauch For some trying to figure out what they want or desire in their life is a challenge. They?ve gotten stuck with the idea that they don?t know what they want in fact that is usually their answer to the question what do you desire out of life or what do you want (?I don?t know?). But thinking they don?t know blocks them from actually knowing. We all know what we want ? we just sometimes have got our minds so focused on what we don?t want that we can?t really see any other possibilities. So where do you start if ?don?t know what you want?? Opt ion 1: You st art wit h what you do know. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle to divide the page into two halves. Then on left side write out everything you don?t want. If it helps break it down into categories ? what don?t you want around what you do/ career/ work, with your relationships (partner, family, friends), with your finances, with your body/ health, etc. Keep listing out everything you don?t want in your life. Once you?re done close your eyes and take 3 deep breathes in through your nose (for 4 counts) out through your mouth (for 7 counts). On the other side of the paper across from what you don?t want write out the exact opposite what you Page 59 - Oct ober, 2016