The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Oct. 2016 | Page 57

Oh that crazy word ? stress .

Our minds are so funny because they like to convince us that if we avoid , deny , push away , or ignore altogether that we are truly feeling stressed , than maybe ? just maybe ? it will go away .
You and I both know that never works .
The first thing that I invite you to do right now is to stop and admit to yourself that you are feeling stressed in one particular area of your life . Face it , admit it , bring it into focus , honor it as real for you , and as you do , you are already starting to dissipate it away .
Stress is held as a tight ball of energy in your body . Focusing on this stress starts to unravel it . You are giving it the attention it has been wanting from you all along . Behind that stress is a story . Today I am going to get you started in uncovering this deeper story so that you can release yourself from the grip this stress has on you and your life . We both know you are distracted constantly throughout your day by this stressor .
Focusing on your stress is actually a perfect place for us to start . When you place your stressor right in front of you , as simple as that sounds , than you are ready to shift this stress up and out of your life .
I invite you to look at your life in 3 key areas : physical , mental and emotional . Do it now . You will know you are stressed in each of these areas because you will see something ( physically ) or feel something ( emotionally ) or think something ( mentally ) that is not your normal way of feeling , being , or relating to the world . Your stress is causing you to react to the world from a wounded and painful place , and this is what you want to notice in each of these areas . Start with looking across the spectrum of your pain or specific stressors to meet your end goal of returning to your optimum level of wellness and vitality .
Physical ? What is physically different in your body today that was most likely not there 6 months ago ?
Emotional ? What emotion is re-occurring that you wish would just go away because you are afraid that if you expressed it , you may lose friends , co-workers ? support , or your family would think you were crazy ?
Mental ? What story are you repeating in your head throughout the day ( and perhaps even into the night ) that you are convinced will go away the more you think about it , but it never does ?
Once you have identified a few issues ? say , lack of inspiration , depression , bloating , pain , communication challenges , or even poor sleep ? it is now time to explore new ideas that will help bring you more into a state of healing and harmony .
To explore these new ideas , all you have to be is willing to do so . Today is all about bringing your stresses in life up and out into the open so you can begin the inward journey to allow your wholeness to shine forth from within . Facing your stressors and calling them out is a great place to start .
Page 57 - October , 2016