The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Oct. 2016 | Page 2

Thought s on Co-Creat ion Col et t e Baron-Reid - Pg 38 When LOA Fail s Dr. Joe Vit al e - Pg 8 Anot her Success! $20,000 by Changing Your Money St ory - Pg 12 The Import ance of LIVE Wat er f or Your Heal t h - Pg 24 Love and LOA - Love Expert Mary Knight - Pg 30 Oct . Nov., 2016 Ast rol ogy Report And What El se? Coach St ephanie Wood - Pg 4 St ress and How t o De-st ressed l y Canul l - Pg 56 Page 2Kel - Oct ober, 2016 Manish Kamur Arora - Pg 36 Success! First Quadripl egic Treat ed wit h St em-Cel l s - Pg 16