The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Oct. 2016 | Page 10

I feel like Freud when he introduced his idea of the unconscious mind in the late 1800s and was booed off stage. He didn?t back down. Neither have I. So h o w d o y o u g et c l ea r o f t h o se c o n t r a r y bel i ef s w i t h i n y o ur un c o n sc i o us mi n d ? How do you get rid of the inner roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you?re trying to achieve or attract? Page 10 - Oct ober, 2016 It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question. But once I did, it was as if all the limits in and around me shattered. I thought life was good before ? I had no idea it could be THIS good. I thought I?d achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success ? but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away.