The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May, June 2019 | Page 31

contributor to many diseases, including but not limited to: t ype II diabet es, obesit y, met abol ic syndrome, and cardiovascul ar disease. Sugar?s role in gaining weight is much more complex than just eating empty non nutritious calories. Instead, it affects the hormones responsible for satiety and the feelings of satisfying your hunger. Therefore, it leads you to eat more and more. It is important to note that weight gain from sugar is often present in the abdominal area. This visceral f at breeds a higher risk prof il e f or many ot her diseases, some even l if e-t hreat ening. Fructose, one of the main components of sugar, is metabolized by the liver, but only in small amounts at a time. Typically, the fructose would be turned into glycogen and be stored in the liver for safe keeping until our bodies were ready to burn this energy reserve. However, if there is already sufficient amount of glycogen in the liver, eating more sugar overloads it. The extra is forced to be turned into fat. This process is the beginning of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among other complications. Some studies have even suggested that sugar can be just as damaging as alcohol is to the liver even if you?re at a healthy weight. Luckily, the liver can repair itself, but with constant high sugar consumption, it does not have an opportunity to catch up and heal. This will not be a problem if you only eat a small amount of sugar and you are physically active daily. Moreover, it is now known t hat overeat ing sugar is a l eading cont ribut or t o t he # 1 kil l er of t his worl d: heart disease. That is because consuming too much sugar can raise blood pressure, bad cholesterol (LDL), blood glucose, insulin levels and increase chronic inflammation, and abdominal obesity ? all significant risk factors in developing heart disease. Now let's focus our attention on the immune system. Your immune system is responsible for defending your body against illness, including autoimmune disorders and cancer. It is a well-known fact, that sugar suppresses your immune system and the effects happen immediately after you eat it. A st udy showed t hat sugar can make your immune syst em 40% l ess ef f ect ive af t er eat ing sugar. Cancer is uncontrolled growth and the multiplication of cells. Insulin is one of the main hormones responsible for regulating the growth of these cells. Eating sugar raises insulin levels. There is a considerable amount of evidence now that shows that having const ant l y el evat ed insul in l evel s can cont ribut e t o cancer risk and progression. Yeast, a fungus, relies on sugar ? a form of energy ? for its vitality. Therefore, t he more sugar t here is in your body, t he more t he yeast wil l t hrive, potentially leading to an overgrowth and developing systemic candidiasis. Sugar al so af f ect s our brain. Studies have shown that sugar slows down the brain?s function, hinders new learning, and decreases memory recall. There are also strong connections between Page 31