The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 26

anything of it. That star hasn?t been inputted into your brain to have any meaning. There?s no ?programming.? There?s no emotion. There?s no ?link.? But if you see a celebrity that you go gaga for, that you watch in all their movies, that you feel love for, you will flip out. This is ?Bruce Willis Manifesting.? Why? The movie star has activated the Reticular Activator System or RAS in your brain. Your RAS responds to emotion, imagery, and repetition. Anything you think about with emotion, imagery, and repetition will act as a new program in your brain. And you will unconsciously use the Law of Attraction to bring it into your life. Melissa Etheridge showing a ?Mustang? guitar given to her by the Ford Institute So, if I see Melissa Etheridge on stage, and on television, and on DVD, and I watch her moved by the emotion in her songs and her performances, and I do this repeatedly for two decades, then the day I meet her is going to feel like lightning struck my spinal cord. And that?s what it felt like when I went to her home for my songwriting lesson with her. I was star struck. My RAS had been ?Melissa Etheridge? programmed So let?s take this concept to a deeper level. I?m a huge fan of actor Bruce Willis. I?ve seen all his movies, bought all his music, and follow his career. His movies, from Die Hard to 16 Blocks to Death Wish, all do something for me. (16 Blocks is one of my all time favorite movies.) Whenever I get to meet him, I?ll probably be star struck and silent, at least at first. Why? ?I?M REALLY JUST A REGULAR GUY WHO HAS HAD AN INCREDIBLY BLESSED LIFE.? ? BRUCE WILLIS Because he?s branded in my brain with the three ways you engage your RAS: imagery, emotion, repetition. · I?ve seen his movies. (Visual) · I?ve felt something while watching those movies. (Emotion) · I?ve watched many of the movies more than twice. (Repetition) This imagery, emotion and repetition has wired Bruce Willis in my mind. But you can use this ?gaga? switch of the mind to attract more of what you want. And this is where you should take notes. You can use this ?Bruce Willis Manifesting? Secret I?ve written about this formula in numerous books, including the brand new one, Anything Is Possible. Imagine it. Feel it. Repeat it. In short: 1. See it. Imagine what you want to have, do or be. Page 26 - M ay, 2018