The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine March 2018 Issue | Page 30

will not bring you happiness , but instead lead you into karma that could last for thousands of years . Moderation definitely has its virtue in all things .
On December 21 , 2012 , the Mayan Calendar famously predicted the end of the world . The world didn ' t end but an interesting thing did happen . The current world cycle passed from the Sanskrit scriptures of Kali Yuga into the Dwapara Yuga although the New Age community calls it the ' Age of Aquarius .' The curious thing is that the Dwapara ages according to Sri Yukteswar from the scriptures of Hinduism lasts about 2000 years , and the Yuga is governed by the Feminine Principle . I was surprised to learn that we are only about 6 years into the Yuga and Feminine energy which is already taking over in small ways and is only going to accelerate as we get deeper into the new age . In my view , the age of the power of women is coming into full realization . I wonder how women are going to behave when the Feminine principle becomes very dominant . Will it be more nurturing and protective of the human race ?
In my book there is a chapter in which two Goddesses are streaming divine energy in my body to make it more feminine . At the time , I did not know the significance of the process other than they said they were making me more feminine in nature . I only recently realized I am being prepared for the coming changes so as not to be too negatively impacted by the effects of the need for more feminine energy in my field . With this , I am able to release some of my aggressiveness and coming to grips with the feminine side of living and even governing .
There are hazards in using past life regression technology and I do want to stress the importance of doing it so that you get the greatest benefit from it . In Yogananda ' s Autobiography of a Yogi , he describes the action of Babaji , a world avatar , who prepared a chosen being to be the guru of Yogananda ' s guru . He did a ritual which created an environment of great wealth , a beautiful palace and a harem as well as many trappings of a Maharajah .
After regression , Babaji said that he wished to accelerate the chela ' s karma so that he no longer had a desire to be a Maharajah . He was simply creating too much karma that would need to be corrected in his next lives . The chela at that point simply chose to live a simple life in which he felt inspired .
This is what regression practice can do for anyone who avails themselves of the process . It can clean up your current life very nicely so that you flow through form effortlessly . You will see that enjoying your life without attachments will bring more joy and well-being to you . It shows you that life should be about leaving no footprints .
The world you perceive does not exist .
" Inquiring into the nature of self is where you can access and tap into the freedom of your authentic nature ," Eric Altman .
" All happens in the bubble of Consciousness called ' i ' ," Ramana Maharshi .
About Tit o Abao , Aut hor My first introduction to spiritual work was in the early ? 60 ? s , as an initiate in a Christian Yoga Church in San Francisco led by one of the first American Realized Beings , Sri Subramuniya . My initiate name was Shantianada . My the Between-Lives agreements were too powerful to remain in that role . My spiritual quest began in ernest after my NDE in 2007 . Under inner guidance I earned six certificates of completion in The Monroe Inst it ut e ? s seminar program in Faber , Virginia .
Even before Christian Yoga as a child I had many paranormal experiences including Out-of-Body-Experiences and recurring (? what I know now were ? ) past life dreams / memories .
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