The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2017 | Page 7

Ever yone who uses the Law of Attr action eventually hits a r oadblock .
You ? re no longer manifesting the next hope or dream on your list , and you ? re wondering if there ? s an underlying limiting belief or you need a new technique . When this happens , pause and ask yourself : How much is this still about me ?
For most people , the Law of Attraction starts out as a way to have a more abundant and joyous life . We ? re all meant to enjoy such lives . In fact , it ? s your birthright . We all deserve everything that life has to offer . But when we look closely at what we are seeking to manifest , for most of us , there ? s still some concern with survival and security . Some kernel of the ego is really still the main focus . Ask yourself : how much is this about what the Law of Attraction can do for me ? It ? s sometimes hard to admit , but in some way or another , you ? re still focused on your own wellbeing .
The simple truth is that the real power of the Law of Attraction is not what it does for you . The power to manifest that the Law of Attraction represents is never really about shoring up your identity in this world . It ? s about you being of service to the rest of the world .
To avoid a critical misunderstanding , I ? m not advocating sacrifice or saying that a happy , joyous life is to be avoided . One of the most common traps of people on a spiritual path is that they sacrifice their own needs for other people . They believe that service is synonymous with self-denial . If you feel that your needs must always come second , you ? re probably suffering from issues of self worth and often trying to obtain others ? approval .
When you live an authentic life , in alignment with your soul , you will serve others and serve yourself . So when you approach any kind of manifestation , you must pause and ask : What is my real intention here ? Do I want something to make me feel better , or will this support a greater purpose ? When your efforts to manifest are done for the benefit of others and in alignment with your soul ? s purpose , universal energy will flow faster to you than you can imagine .
My spiritual awakening is a testament to the demands of letting go of my concern for the self . My experience was quite abrupt and rapid , and it challenged many of my own beliefs about the nature of reality . I learned about the Law of Attraction and meditation , and I began to watch my thoughts ; I could see how anxious and restless my mind was . After a couple of years , the world around me shifted entirely , and all sorts of Divine mother figures , psychics , and healers began showing up in my life . Each encounter forced me to let go of another piece of my narrow view of the world .
Page 7 - June , 2017