The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2017 | Page 12

3 . Understand the Echoes of the Past
Many folks who are going through an awakening often complain the bliss is not long-lasting , and it is so easy to get sucked back into past conditioning . The reason for that is because our past vibration , especially if we spent a long time dwelling in that vibration by investing our energy in disempowering beliefs can bring us temporary echoes which are people and experiences of similar vibration until the residual energy of past disempowerment is cleared from our belief system . It is important for us to not get down on ourselves as we are reprogramming our mindset , and to view it as a process rather than an overnight shift . Not speaking my truths and compromising my needs was a pattern I held for decades . When I was going through the reprogramming mode which lasted about a year , whenever I experienced an echo from the past , rather than throwing my hands up in the air going ? not again ? ( and if that happens , it is completely ok . We always have the next moment ), I found it much easier to approach the echo with gratitude or a sense of humor , and send a blessing for it letting it know that I was thankful for the reminder , and I alone had the power to choose what type of life I wanted to create because at the end of the day , every mirror that shows up in life is a message from life that helps us realign so we can fully step into our power . Whatever we give our attention to is what grows in our reality . Every time when we choose from a conscious place and not react to our past conditioning , we are taking power away from our past limitations and nurturing our new and empowering habits . It does not take long before we start noticing the echoes become so weak that we can smile at them and release them with complete ease .
4 . Conscious Creation is a Result of Presence
Conscious creation only occurs in the present moment , meaning our current thoughts and vibration are the only factors that determine the people , circumstances and opportunities that are coming our way . No matter what happened yesterday , a week ago or a month ago , our full power lies in this moment where we can use our consciousness to shape our future .
Most of us do not realize how much of a powerful gift that is . We are given the opportunity to reinvent ourselves every single moment of every single day , and the only thing we need to do is to accept this gift from life and manage our thoughts and vibration . Most of us are taught what I call the catastrophic thinking syndrome which is we pay a lot more attention to what could go wrong as well as the worst case scenarios rather than what could go right and the best case scenarios . What if we knew we have an equal chance to produce the good , and the bad based on the power of our consciousness because the universe is an equal opportunity returner ? Will we continue to want to stick our hands into the hot stove knowing we will get burned , or will we work on ourselves to shift our mindset so we train ourselves to focus our energy on what we desire in life ? We all get stuck in ruts and streams of paranoid thinking , one of the keys to take our power back is to practice presence . At any moment , we are at liberty to shift our energy by coming back to this body and becoming aware of the body position , the breathing , etc . We also have the power to engage in mental and emotional presence by gently shifting to the role of an observer and merely observing what is occurring inside of us instead of feeding it with more energy . A daily mindfulness practice is one of the best ways we can train ourselves to be present and come back to this moment .
5 . Ask for the Perspective From the True Self
We are a 3-part being of body , mind and True Self / Higher Self / Soul . The True Self which is an extension of Source Energy usually has a very different perspective than the ego self , and that is because we are truly multidimensional beings . While our bodies and minds operate based on dual concepts in this physical dimension , our True Self is simultaneously in the realm of the absolute that transcends duality . As difficult as
Page 12 - June , 2017