The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2016 | Page 50

Su per ch ar gi n g You r M an i f est at i on s 7 Power Tips to M ake the L aw of Attr action Wor k Better For You By Hemal Radia Want to take your manifestations to a whole new level? Here are 7 tips to help you do exactly that! 1 - Supercharging Your Manif est at ions: What is This REALLY About ? The goal that you want... what is it REALLY about? Remember that manifesting is about the ENERGY of what you want to manifest. When you truly manifest, it will be because you are flowing your spirit through your physical vessel body to manifest in this physical playground. This is a coming together of spirit and physical. Ask yourself: - Why do I want this? - Why is this important to me? - How do I really FEEL about it? You can recycle the answers you get and go multiple layers deep. 2 - Are You REALLY Ready t o Receive it ? This may seem very simple and most people's instinctive response would be "yes". But when you dig deeper, how do you feel about having it right now? If this goal showed up in your life right now, how do you feel about receiving it? Frequently, people tell themselves they want something but when they fully contemplate actually having it in their lives, their emotions are somewhat different than what they had consciously thought. Often when on radio shows and summits, I interact with women who were wanting to have a new Page 50 - June, 2016