The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2016 | Page 43

Stumbling along without the full power and presence of our Spirit , in many ways we lose synergy with our purpose and codes that allow for our divinity to be expressed through our body / Altar . The understanding that our bodies are altars is perfectly illustrated by our fingerprints . Every human ever born has totally unique fingerprints . No two are alike . Each one of us embodies our own specific purpose , that only we can carry out .
? Altar ?, in this sense , refers to a physical object where ? spirit ? meets ? matter ?; the ? above ? meets the ? below ? or the ? macro ? meets the ? micro ?. The body / Altar then is the vessel through which the soul implements its purpose in the world . We could say that we are the arms and legs of God .
Sometimes , when you are feeling your spirit , your body gets ungrounded , like you don ' t belong . You can ' t be so spiritually bound that you are no earthly good . Your spirit and body need to work together . When presented with a lofty idea , my Grandmother always asked , will it grow corn ?
Do you know that you should have more energy and better health , but can ' t seem to get there ? Feel like you ? re doing the right things , but see no progress ? There is a reason you are not getting there , even though you feel like you are doing the right things . For example , you could be getting plenty of exercise and eating all the right foods yet your health is declining ; you can barely get out of bed in the morning . Those decisions you made early in life and reinforced with emotional responses , formed beliefs in lack and unhappiness that are now so powerful , they override even your best intentions . They are silent shadows that cloud your conscious mind , sabotaging your health and your success . This can be changed by clearing these beliefs and making different decisions .
Imagine how it will feel to have clear mind permanently and know you are living your purpose .
Our Spirit is crying for reality , genuine experiences , which only physical life can give to it . We are God ? s intention in this world , designed with a specific purpose that no one else can fulfill . Only in our beautiful bodies can we experience love . The negative thoughts that poisoned our spirit must be rooted out . We are created for health , wealth and happiness , not to be sick , broken , poor , confused or any other incoherent state of mind . And yet , what the body is crying for in mortal experience , only the Spirit can fulfill . As you permit this union of Spirit and body , so will you directly know what it feels like to be the love that you are .
When more of your spirit is merged into you , an undeniable shift is created . It becomes the starting point for a new reality in which health , happiness , abundance and meaning are supported from the highest frequencies . We become more light and energy , and less matter , hence the term ? enlightenment .?
Gloriously , we remember who we are and our divine origins . Enlightenment is a state of indescribable peace , a deep passionate peace . We can now more fully experience the present moment in all its wonderment without the burden of the past or concerns for the future .
Page 43 - June , 2016