The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2016 | Page 17

Have you ever wondered why a certain percentage of people can be administered a sugar pill, get a saline injection, or receive a false treatment, and in the process accept, believe, and surrender to the thought? without any analysis? that they are receiving the real substance or actual treatment? What actually occurs as a result of the thought is that their autonomic nervous system makes the exact pharmacy of chemicals that they believe they need. It makes you wonder: If the substance, for example, is nothing more than a sugar pill, is it the inert material that?s doing the healing or is it the body?s innate ability to heal? The placebo effect is one way to describe how many of us can heal by thought alone. As high as 81% of patients who are given the placebo in depression studies respond as well as the subjects who are on anti-depression medications. (footnote # 1) The brain scans that have been taken of the patients verify that these people weren?t just feeling well? they were well. The people who had improved on the placebos hadn?t just imagined feeling better, they actually changed their brain-wave patterns. Over the course of the study, the EEG recordings taken so faithfully showed a significant increase in activity in the prefrontal cortex, which in depressed patients typically has very low activity. (footnote # 2) The placebo effect was not only altering their minds, but also bringing about real physical changes in their biology. Some patients even reported feeling nausea, which is notable because nausea is one of the common side effects of the drugs? which they knew ahead of time? they were being tested for. Those common side effects might have even influenced them to embrace the thought that they surely must have gotten the active drug, especially if the depression was lifting and they were experiencing side effects. What was actually occurring, however, was that they were making their own pharmacy of anti-depressants just by thinking that they were getting better. In other words, the subjective changes weren?t just in their mind? objective changes occurred in their brain. Without taking any drug or doing anything differently, by the end of the study the placebo subjects had a different brain. Another groundbreaking study showed for the first time that a placebo could trigger the release of endorphins (the body?s natural painkillers), just as certain active drugs do. In the research experiment, Jon Levine, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of California, San Francisco, gave placebos instead of pain medication to 40 dental patients who had just had their wisdom teeth removed. (footnote # 3) Because the patients thought they were getting the real medicine that would indeed relieve their pain, most reported significant relief. But when the researchers gave the patients an antidote to morphine called naloxone, which chemically Page 17 - June, 2016