The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June 1, 2015, Issue 5 | Page 47

Dancing t he Sun by Pa? Ha Ris? May? New Moon brought on a coming together s of seasonal ceremonies and ancient traditional celebrations of praise and gratitude. As Summer comes, so the season of Sun Ceremonies. While we are in the mind set of Ancient Ceremonies that are ageless, we move into our present time and now, with an open mind to all the dreams and visions that are in our hearts. For some, they are simple and clear; obtainable, meaning the person is in clear mind and comprehends what to do. Others are compromised and locked into old ways of believing and thinking. That is why we have processes and practices that assist. New information brings different effects and knowledge liberates. Thus we seek to know and become whole, and for each of us, that can be different. ?It is beyond our imagination to conceive of a single form of life that exists alone and independent, unattached to other forms.? ~ Lewis Thomas Consequently, we focus on our intentions and use all our new information to create the results we seek. Most people are focused on either health, wealth and levels of happiness, or all of this. To thrive in the present and live the dream, we must move to the skills of leadership that are in our purposes of being here and what that's all about. In the realization of our changing planet and life here, we must look to where we will apply our energy and hold our focus. The answers are in Community, and the collective conscious of Humanity and its relations. The leaders, who are present and capable of empowering others to live for excellence and be all they can be, are numerous and making pathways into the realization of the future, through our thinking, that can be as we have visioned it. People will be retained and promoted based on the value of our human capabilities, which include knowledge, skills, creativity and self-motivation, not on our past education, resume, seniority or position; this is false ego and addiction. Becoming the reality and making the choice of success requires confidence, dedication to continuous improvement, and to total self integrity. Happiness is not a destination; it is a way of traveling in life. As we come each year to our ceremonies, we reflect where we have been and where we are in present. Life is not a treasure hunt. Life itself is the treasure. It is our collection of memories. Relish your small pleasures and count even your tiny successes. Cherish intimate moments and laughter with family, and be a part of community service. Catch a baby? s first steps and give acknowledgement of a job well done, step out of the sidelines and speak up, catch the wind with a kite, and laugh at something stupid you did. Give your hand to someone reaching out. Life is Page 45 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015