The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June 1, 2015, Issue 5 | Page 32

star t to m anifest ar ound you. One w ay to get this going now, is by r epetition of thought and gr atitude. Be gr ateful for the m oney in your life now, and r epeat a m oney affir m ation as often as possible. One of our favor ites: I am so gr ateful and blessed now for r eceiving m oney in incr easing am ounts on a continuous basis. favor ites: I am so gr ateful and blessed now for r eceiving m oney in incr easing am ounts on a continuous basis. Find out w her e you stand on the Wealth Consciousness Scale, please visit our w ebsite at http://w ealthconsciousnessuniver /scale © Copyr ight 2015 Wealth Consciousness Univer sity. All Rights Reser ved. To find success of your business, w ealth-acquir ing ventur es, and your cur r ent flow of m oney, is dependent upon the Vibr ational Level of your Wealth Consciousness. So w hat can you do to im pr ove your Wealth Consciousness? Fir st, let? under stand how w e s ar r ived at the WC Level that you ar e at now. You see, your w ealth consciousness is built and developed by the im pr essing of w ealthy (or non-w ealthy) thoughts, w or ds, and im aginar y or r eal actions upon your subconscious m ind. M ost often, this is developed w hen you ar e a young child by the envir onm ent you gr ew up in. As childr en, our subconscious m ind is w ide open and studies have show n us that our subconscious m ind does not have the ability to r eject infor m ation. So w hatever w as fed into our thoughts as a child, w e had to accept them as tr uth. Think about w hat your sur r oundings w er e like. Did your fam ily have a positive view on m oney? Or w er e you told that you could not affor d things? M oney didn? gr ow on tr ees? You t have to w or k har d to ear n m oney? Did you feel bad asking for m oney? M ost of us gr ow up w ith som e sor t of distor ted, ?lack? filled br ain w ashing of m oney as the star ting basis of our Wealth Consciousness. The fir st step to im pr oving your Wealth Consciousness is under standing w hat level you ar e cur r ently vibr ating at so that you can change this. Then, once you under stand w her e you ar e, w e can m ake an action plan to get you w her e you w ant to be. By im pr oving your Wealth Consciousness, you r aise your vibr ation, and the Univer se w ill im m ediately r espond and things w ill star t to change in your favor. M oney w ill star t to m anifest ar ound you. M agda Bal t yk is a Wealth and Happiness Life Coach w ho thr ough her unique infinite connection r aises the vibr ation of w ealth consciousness and m entor s and guides people to aw aken their inner entr epr eneur w ithin. Know n affectionately as M r s. Cash, her coaching focuses on tr anslating w ealth ener gy into m oney. M egan St an gl is a Tr ansfor m ational LOA Wealth and Business Life Coach, guided to tr ansfor m the lives of m illions thr ough vibr ational r eleasing of inner entr epr eneur ial genius! She has successfully coached clients ar ound the globe and br ought to m ar ket m any differ ent successful businesses. Both M agda and M egan ar e founder s of the Wealth Consciousness Univer sity. One w ay to get this going now, is by r epetition of thought and gr atitude. Be gr ateful for the m oney in your life now, and r epeat a m oney affir m ation as often as possible. One of our Page 30 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015